To the editor:
In this joyous and generous time of Christmas, and before we enter into the New Year, how I thank God for the gift of His love shown in so many and various ways during the past five weeks since I suffered an unexpected and rare type of heart attack. It is a precious, wonderful, amazing, and humbling experience to be on the receiving end of this community’s loving care, concerns and prayers.
Beginning with entering into the ER at Houlton Regional Hospital, I was immediately surrounded with the utmost of thorough medical excellence and compassion, which was sustained throughout my stay in the cardiac care unit the weekend I was admitted. The endless stream of hospital visitors and the prayer support and encouragement from the Military Street Baptist Church and nearly every other church and pastor in the region, including get-well cards from businesses, churches, and so many others, no doubt has had a tremendous influence in God’s granting to me a miraculous healing from the attack.
Maybe you brought food, shoveled snow, offered to help out in any way, were part of the medical teams, ambulance crew, or simply cared enough to phone, text, e-mail, Facebook, send a card, pray, or ask my wife, kids, or me how I was doing. All I can offer is a huge and humble “thank you!”
I thank God for you and for the privilege of living, recovering, and serving in this amazing place. May the Lord bless you as you have blessed, as we enter this New Year together with continuing faith, hope, and love.
Rev. Randall Burns