The Houlton Parks and Recreation Department announces its January programs.
Sneakin In Science will be held on the following Wednesdays, Jan. 5, 12, 19 and 26 at the rec center from 6-7 p.m. for youth ages 7-12. The program is limited to 15 children. Instructor is Sara McQuarrie. Cost is $40 per child, with the following sessions: “What happens when I?” “These plants do what?” “Oceans: Ever wonder what creates a wave?” and “What do you know about water?”
Each session will feature hands on experiment and youth will bring home projects each week. It is 100 percent science fun and children may even “sneak” in a little learning along the way!
Registration is required by Dec. 28.
The Maine Recreation and Park Association, along with the Maine Red Claws will hold a Hot Shot Basketball Program each Wednesday, starting Jan. 12 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. for youth ages 9-18.
The boys and girls divisions are as follows: 9-10; 11-12; 13-15 and16-18 Cost is $10 for Houlton residents and $15 non-Houlton residents.
Hot Shot consists of a youngster shooting a basketball from five hot spots on half of the court in a one-minute time period. Practices will be held for four weeks and the local shoot off will be Feb. 9 Registration is required by Jan. 12.
An After-School Fun Program will be held each Thursday, starting Jan. 6 from 3-4:30 p.m. at the rec center for children grades preK-4. There is a limit of 20 children.
Cost is $25 for Houlton residents and $38 non-Houlton residents. This program consists of crafts, games, contests, and a snack each day.
Registration is required by Jan. 3.
Pilates will be held each Tuesday and Thursday, starting Jan. 4 at 5 p.m., with instructor Yvonne Hyman.
Cost is $40 for Houlton residents and $60 for non-Houlton residents. There is a limit of 20 participants. Registration is required by Jan. 2.
Zumba will be offered each Monday at 7 p.m.; Thursday at 6:15 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m., starting Monday, Jan. 3. Instructor is Rachel DiStefano, and the program has a limit of 25 participants.
Cost is $55 for Houlton residents and $75 for non-Houlton residents. Registration is required by Jan. 2.