From the halls of Houlton Junior & Senior High School

14 years ago

Houlton Junior Senior High School has many activities going on at school in the next few weeks, and staff would like to make parents aware of these events.
Wednesday, Jan. 26, is going to be an early release day, with students being released at 11:15 a.m. On Jan. 31, we will be holding student-led conferences. There will not be regular school on this day, but students will be expected to attend the conferences with their parents. Advisors will be in contact with parents regarding the time of their appointments. Winter break will be the week of Feb. 21.
    Preliminary SAT or PSAT results are returned to grade 10 and 11 students. Houlton High School students in grades 10 and 11 took the PSAT  test in October. The results are now in and scores are being returned to the students. Mr. Bouchard and Mrs. McPartland met with all juniors and went over the PSAT results.
All juniors will take the SAT May 7. Prep classes for juniors are in place to help students prepare for the May 7 SAT. Grade 10 students receive their results at an individual conference with Mrs. Pierce, during which Mrs. Pierce shares their strengths as well as areas that could use more work.
Grade 10 students will take the PSAT again next October to compete in the National Merit Scholarship Competition, and as a final preparation for the SAT given in May of 2012. Students who take the PSAT have access to a personalized study plan through the website They have been shown the resources the website provides and are encouraged to use it to enhance their skills on these tests and to explore career and college options. Parents may log on with their students and see how the website can help improve scores.
Music Department news:
Music Boosters have a container at Florence Avenue Redemption for donations for the music trip to Boston in May. When you drop off returnables, please mention that the money is to go to Music Boosters.
After-School Program news:
Our 21st Century Community Learning Center has been running for almost four months. Currently, an average of 35 students attend our program each day. All junior high students are welcome to attend. There is a homework help lab Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.. Buses are available to take students home after the program. A snack and a few minutes of social time are offered before the students begin their homework. High school students assist every day.
When the weather was nice, the students took advantage going outside to play football, soccer, basketball and tetherball once their homework was completed. Some students also enjoyed the fitness room that is open from 3-5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Snap Circuits, arts and crafts, board games, Mexican culture/food, French culture/food, and cup stacking were also some things the students enjoyed. Robotics and snowshoeing are activities that will be offered this winter. Community members volunteered to do various cultural and food activities. One community member volunteers every Monday to play chess. The program is always looking for people to share their expertise with our students.
If anyone would like to know more about the 21st Century After School Program or would like to volunteer, please contact Lori McGillicuddy at 532-6551 or e-mail lomcgillicuddy
Art Department news:
The art department will be featuring the first semester student art show in the main hallway by the cafeteria entrance of Houlton High School starting Thursday, Jan. 20. Please stop and view the amazing artwork by our budding student artists. The exhibit will include photography, paintings, wood burnings, drawings, Ukrainian Christmas eggs, artist trading cards and more. You don’t want to miss the show, so please stop by.
Junior High news:
We recently held our district spelling bee. Our champion is “Southsider” Jennah Blake and the runner up, who is allowed to also move on to the County bee, is seventh-grader Sam Astle. We wish them both luck at the County bee, which will be held in Ashland on Wednesday, Feb. 9.
We would also like to extend congratulations to Dakota Gramour and Jacob Conrad. Dakota was the winner of the 2011 Houlton Junior High School National Geography Bee and Jacob was first runner-up.  As the HJHS winner, Dakota has the opportunity to test to qualify for the state level of the National Geography Bee. The state bee will be held in April at the University of Maine. Good luck to Dakota on the next level of competition.
Outdoor Education Class news:
Toshiba American granted Mr. Willard and his outdoor education class a grant of $5,000 to purchase an evaporator, as well as testing and bottling equipment for the sugarhouse. The senior high outdoor education class and some of the junior high after school program students will be using it. Tours for the general public will also be available.
Student Council news:
The junior and senior high Student Councils have combined to raise over $1,100 in the first six weeks of the Change for Change program. We’ve been able to donate monies to help with a community heating assistance program, underprivileged children at Christmas time, several families dealing with illness, Houlton Regional Hospital’s Giving Tree, and other programs. It has been a big success.
Senior Class news:
The senior class is having a Valentine’s raffle for two $50 gift certificates to local restaurants. The raffle will run from Jan. 24 to Feb. 7. Other upcoming events sponsored by the senior class include bingo at the Linneus Snow Sports on Friday, Jan. 28, at 6:30 p.m.. On March 3, Magician Ng will perform two shows.  On April 1, the Harlem Rockets will be here for a game in the HHS gymnasium.