Community Notebook

14 years ago

Bridgewater Historical News
Jann Bonkowski Votaw
There will be a meeting of the BHA on Feb 7 at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center in Bridgewater. We will hold a belated Yankee Swap that night. Please bring a gift valued at $10 if you would like to participate. It is also time to pay your 2011 dues. ($5/ year). It is also election time at the BHA. We look forward to seeing you there.
Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides
The Happy Losers held their meeting Jan. 26 at the Congreational Church vestry in Island Falls.
Jackie Pratt, our leader opened the meeting with our pledge and roll call. Nine ladies weighed in and seven attended our meeting. Loretta Bouchard was the loser of the week, and Joanie B. Sides was runner-up. Great job ladies!
Reports were given by our secretary, and treasurer for the week.
Joanie Sides led the program for the week. Her topic was an article called “Secret Ways to Melt Pounds.” Meetings are interesting and informative. We welcomed Cecelia Brown to our group.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday 8-8:45a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. For more information, call 365-4884. See you there!

Whittier Congregational Church holds meeting
The Whittier Congregational Church held its annual meeting Jan. 24 in the vestry of the church following the morning service, with Pastor Amanda Wagner giving the prayer preceding the meeting. Don McKellar was elected moderator and directed the order of business. All reports were accepted, and amended, if necessary. The budget for the coming year and the slate of officers for the coming year were also accepted by a majority vote. Following the meeting, Lay Pastor, John Stevens, said the blessing and a luncheon of corn chowder, chicken stew, rolls and a dessert was enjoyed.
Mrs. Susan Prescott has been released from a hospital in Portland following hip surgery and is reported as doing very well at the home of her son and wife, Kevin and Claire Prescott.
And despite the bitter weather lately, I still have many birds flocking to the feeders and also the squirrels. They all seem to really like the mixture of peanut butter and lard that I am now making almost daily to keep them happy. I was watching one morning and saw two red squirrels really squabbling as they were in the cedar tree trying to eat up all the mixture that is so popular. The birds like it too and just have to wait their turn when the squirrels are around. I haven’t had any evidence lately of having any deer around. No fresh tracks seen and some apples I put out went uneaten, but then the big black crows found them. I keep looking out for signs of deer and maybe, if it warms up, they will return.

Monticello Senior Club
The Monticello Senior Club met at the Rec. Room for a potluck dinner with eight present. All repeated the Lord’s Prayer and saluted the flag.
We went around the room and everyone had a scripture to read from the Living New Testament. Joyce Estey did a reading on Little Blessings, about a small boy.
Door prize was won by Elizabeth Cowperthwaite. Prizes were also won by Geraldine Hoyt, Caroline McNinch and Linda Bartlett.
Our guest speaker was Linda Bartlett.
Our next meetings will be Feb. 3 and Feb. 17 at the Monticello Senior recreation room at Friendly Village, starting at 11 a.m. Anyone 50 years and older is welcome. Pizza will be served.
Anyone who wants more information call Cathy Jo Moreau at 538-4480, Elizabeth Cowperthwaite at 538-9725 or Ida Ricker at 538-9587.
The Monticello Senior Citizen Club meets at 11 a.m. every other Thursday at the Friendly Village Recreation Room.
The purpose of the club is to provide interaction through activities that can help improve the quality of life for citizens 50 years and older.
Speaker is Linda Bartlett. Everyone is welcome.

TOPS ME 0233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Jan. 28 meeting.
Joyce Estey, leader, was present and conducted the meeting. Eighteen ladies were present, five of these being KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). Loser of the week was Donna Parent with runner-up Diane Folsom.
We had a few minutes of exercises by Barbara Troy. Dale Holden spoke about our contest and presented certificates to Charlotte Marley and Janette Nelson for reaching the top of the mountain. Another contest will be Resort Lounge and each member is encouraged to pair up with another member. Some of our discussion was on ways to notify members when there is a snow day and there is no meeting.
Joyce spoke on the subject of fiber and how we can incorporate it in our meals.
The next meeting will be Friday, Feb. 4 at the same location. If you wish to learn more information about our chapter, you may call  Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Chapter 0233 meets every Friday; weigh-in time is 8-8:45. No one is weighed after this time. The meeting starts at 9 a.m. and usually ends an hour later.
Come and join us — you will be welcome.