Scenes from Hodgdon Mill Pond Health Fair

14 years ago

    The annual Health Fair was held at the Mill Pond Elementary School on Feb. 16. It was an all-day event, with all Pre-K and staff enjoying various health-related topics in the form of community offering sessions and interactive booths in the gym.
bs-health-dcx5-pt-8 Linda Rowe teaching Yoga to middle school guys.

bs-health-dcx6-pt-8Deb Ganzel R.N., with the Masonic “CHIP” program, does a dental impression and DNA collection for Lukas Wiegand.


Lisa Malone from “Lisa’s Hair Designs” sharing skin and hair care with Morgan Wiegand.

bs-health-dcx2-pt-8Adam Curtis, Game Warden, with his dog.

bs-health-dcx7-pt-8McKenzie Hipsley learning about “Double Deckers and  Double Bypass” fat laden foods.