World Prayer Day celebrated March 4 in Houlton

14 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — On Friday, March 4, church-goers in Houlton may gather at the First Congregational Church on 45 High St. for the 2011 World Day of Prayer Services.
World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christian women of many faith traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year on the first Friday in March. It was founded on the idea that prayer and action are inseparable in the service of God’s kingdom. For more information, visit
    According to Dale Holden, this year’s event focuses on the women of Chile who have written the service around the theme of “How many loaves have you?”
“Together we are asked to respond to what we have and how we can share it with others,” Holden said. “In this past year, Chile has been challenged by a devastating earthquake and the collapse of a mine in which many miners were trapped. Again, we are reminded to share our bread and to receive the bread that is shared with us.”
This year’s services will begin at 10:30 a.m., Friday, March 4. Women from 10 area churches are participating in the event. A time of refreshments will be offered preceding the event at 10 a.m.
The offering received will support women’s ecumenical ministries toward justice, peace, healing and wholeness. It will help meet the needs of families who are victims of many forms of poverty, violence and human trafficking, said Holden.
In case of poor weather, the event will be held Friday, March 11, at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call Holden at 532-7165 or Lynn Tweedie at 532-6634.