By Joseph Cyr
Staff Writer
HOULTON — Local parishes will soon be starting the annual tradition of Lent — the Christian tradition leading up to Easter.
The traditional purpose of Lent is preparing parishioners for the annual commemoration during Holy Week, through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial. “Seeking” is the theme of five Lenten services to be offered in the greater Houlton community this season by the Southern Aroostook Ministerial Association.
Beginning Wednesday, March 16, a different congregation will host each service at 7 p.m., followed by food and fellowship, according to Rev. Dale Holden.
“All of the offerings received at these services will be used for local emergency assistance,” she said.
The schedule of Ecumenical Lenten Services and Topics is as follows:
• Wednesday, March 16 — St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, located on 112 Military St., Houlton, will present “Seeking His Face,” with the Rev. Paul Hovda speaking about missionary work.
• Wednesday, March 23 — First Congregational Church, 45 High St., Houlton, will present “Seeking the Advance of the Gospel of the Kingdom,” with the Rev. Tim Stohlberg.
• Wednesday, March 30 — Houlton United Methodist Church, 28B School St., will present “Seeking the Righteousness of the Kingdom,” with the Rev. Leslie Nesin.
• Wednesday, April 6 — Houlton Wesleyan Church, 18 Kelleran St., Houlton, will present “Seeking the Joy of the Kingdom,” with youth groups and leaders.
• Wednesday, April 13 — The Church of the Good Shepherd, Episcopal, 116 Main St., will present “Seeking the Visitation of Christ,” with the Rev. Al Burleigh.
For Good Friday and Easter, the following special services will be offered:
• Friday, April 22 — Good Friday service, noon, Houlton Salvation Army, 12 Court St.
• Sunday, April 24 — Easter Sunrise Service, 6:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Porch.
• Sunday, April 24 — Easter Breakfast, First Congregational Church.
For more information on any of these events, contact Holden at 532-7165.