TOPS ME 0233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Feb. 25 meeting.
Loser of the week was Melva Folsom with runner-up Barbara Whited.
Leader Joyce Estey spoke about what to do when the weather prediction is a storm.
The skinny dish was won by Kay Grass. Each lady stated her victory for the week after her pledge.
Joyce received a letter from Paulette Soliere pertaining to the forms to be mailed for inspiration in shop contest.
TOPS 0233 also met on March 4 for another meeting.
Seventeen members attended; four were KOPS (Keep off Pounds Sensibly).
The skinny dish was held over for another week. Each member gave her victory for the week.
Joyce spoke on the contest and how to reach the ground from the mountain.
Donna Parent was mentioned in the latest TOPS magazine.
It was voting time. New officers are: leader, Denise Clark; co-leader, Betty Ivey; secretary, Charlotte Marley and treasurer, Jeanette Nelson. They will take office the first week in April.
Names announced by Denise Clark for winning the following: division three winning first place, Geraldine McAfee, third, Janice Shaw; division four, Brenda Lacostic, first place; Linda Bartlett, queen for losing 55 pounds; Dale Holden, runner-up.
The next meeting will be March 11 at the same location.
Weigh-in time is 8-8-45; meetings begin at 9 o’clock and usually end an hour later.
If you need more information on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Come and join and take off weight!
Oakfield Seniors gather
A total of 27 senior citizens met at the Oakfield Snowmobile Club for the first meeting in March of the Oakfield Senior Citizens Club. After a good lunch of hot dogs, salads, and other things that go with hot dogs, we had the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports that were both accepted.
The card report was give by Wanetta Townsend. Marie Gillotti decorated the club. Some of the men deserve thanks for doing dishes and cleaning up after dinner. Also thanks to the snowclub for letting us use the club house.
We had a speaker from R.S.V.P., Brenda Barker, who spoke on the changes in Medicare and how some seniors may get a refund on our real estate taxes. She was a very good speaker and very clear when she was explaining everything to us. Thank you Brenda. Our next meeting will be on the third Wednesday of March. Anyone interested in joining us, the meeting starts about 11 a.m. Please feel free to join us.
Attending were Tessie Barrett, Linda Bartlett, David Burpee, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Jeanne Clements, Thelma Flowers, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Sandra Holmes, Ursula Levesque, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Charlotte and Don Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Geneva Bell, Maeva Buckman, Albine Fox, Katherine Boutlier, Martha Chapados, Pete Peterson and one new member, Romona White. Welcome Romona.
Island Falls news
On Sunday, March 13, the first of the Lenten breakfasts was held in the vestry of the Whittier Congregational Church, with Patti Hartin as head chef. Assisting the chef were Steve Berry, cooking the eggs, Ted Hartin doing the toast and Marion Hoar and Verna Boone serving-chef Patti cooked the bacon. Menu included juice, coffee, homemade bread toasted, baked french apple toast, sausage, bacon and eggs. It was well attended and everyone is now looking forward to the five more breakfasts during Lent.
Phillip Desmond is a patient at Eastern Maine Medical Center recuperating from open-heart surgery, and last report was that he was doing well. I have had a note from the DeLongs who now live in Florida, and Claudette will be a patient in a hospital there as she will be having surgery to repair a hip. We wish her well and will be happy to see them both come summer.
I still have plenty of birds at my feeders and this nice warmer weather has made it easier to get the seeds out to them. Most of the ice in my driveway has been melted in the rain so no more skidding around when going to feed the flock. Red squirrels have been having a hey-day in one smaller feeder—they get right inside it and eat practically every seed in it. Poor little chickadees, goldfinch and wrens have to make do with leftovers some of the time, but do have access to four other feeders, so they do alright. Looked out the other evening about dusk and there were four deer finishing up the apples and bread I had put out. This warmer weather is really bringing the deer out now. A friend in Crystal counted some 20 deer along the tree line in her backyard.
The annual Log Drivers cookout was held on March 5 at the snowmobile clubhouse on Route 2. Through the years the attendance has somewhat dwindled, but a good crowd attended and enjoyed the hot biscuits made on the premises by Janet and Bruce Willette and Gil Sirois, as well as doughnuts cooked outside by Ted and Terry Pettengill.
Different salads were part of the menu, along with, of course, the hot dog, and the famous bean-hole-beans, which were cooked slowly in the ground. All this was eaten in the clubhouse and served by the club members, and enjoyed by all who attended.
With all this cold weather my birds have really been busy at my feeders and I have been out many times to replenish their supply of sunflower seeds and the peanut butter and lard mixture they all enjoy. The little red squirrels really like that and eat most of it before the birds get a chance. Have several large woodpeckers who like it, too, so it keeps me running in and out to add more of the mixture on the feeders and the tree. Now have three deer coming about every night to eat the bread and apples I take out for them. They usually arrive about dusk so I get to see them.
One day they arrived early and watched them from my picture window coming through the deep snow, in a path that they had made, and up over a snow bank, onto the plowed path and then easy going to the food awaiting them, Hope they stay with me for the summer.
Purple Hat Society
by Lois Downing
The Purple Hat Society met in Oakfield at A Place to Eat on Tuesday, March 8 with 19 ladies. Leader Charlotte Marley was at the door to greet everyone.
With our name tags in place, we all gave our Purple Hat name, one by one, Lovey, Adorable, Bashful, Crazy, and on and on.
I offered the grace before the meal. Sandy Wyman and Charlotte each read some humorous stories. Marie Gillotti read a composition made up of the words in Betty Wyman’s valentine from the words Valentine’s Day. It was very clever.
We all signed a get-well card for Gerry McAfee, a resident at Madigan undergoing rehabilitation.
Cindy Gray won a gift from the restaurant staff, very nice. Ursula Levesque won the Purple Shoe, presented monthly by Charlotte.
Plans were made for the meeting April 12 at the snowmobile clubhouse in Oakfield with the Red Hat ladies. Several of the ladies met at Peggy Sanders’ house to plan the menu. Each lady who attended this meeting will bring an item of food. On the program will be a bunny swap, a fashion show, and an Easter tree plus the chicken dance.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to Mildred Gagnon, celebrating her birthday during the month of March. Maureen Bird entertained by playing songs by the Sweet Adelines group attended by her when she lived in Hawaii. Maureen also read several stories written by a friend, who lives in Hawaii.
The next date for the group is April 12 as listed above, starting at 11 a.m.
Attending were the following: from Merrill, Arlene Friel, from Island Falls, Mildred Gagnon; from Smyrna, Peggy Sanders, Charlotte Marley and Cindy Gray. Also, from Houlton, Paula Wyman, Betty Wyman and Lois Downing; from Dyer Brook, Sandy Wyman, Wannetta Townsend and Marie Gillotti; and from Oakfield, Sandra Holmes, Ursula Levesque, Elaine Barrett, Maureen Bird, Delores Locke, Evelyn Burpee, Evelyn Johnston and Bernice Campbell.
Anyone with questions should contact Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or any of the other ladies. Come and join the group and have fun.
Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Hello, everyone. Glad to be back on the job. Raining here today. It will disappear some of the high snowbanks that are surrounding the town.
Sorry to hear Dean Richardson had an accident and broke his foot. That’s what I’m told. Dean is at Madigan now. We will miss him. Now, Dean, that was not a nice way to get your name in the paper!
Bob Chasse has been in the hospital but is home now and doing well. Glad you are home, Bob. Paul Armstrong has also been in the hospital, Houlton Regional, with pneumonia. Paul is home too and we’re glad of that.
The editor has been in Bangor and was away for a week. My daughter, Kathryn Hall, and I attended my brother, Paul Phelan’s, 90th birthday party. We all met in Portland at a restaurant and then went to Westbrook, where my brother lives for birthday cake and ice cream. There were 21 relatives and friends. It was so nice to see everyone and it was great gathering and uplift for my brother. Everyone sang a composed song for my brother by me!
Jane Hughes is still at the home of her mother, Joyce. Jane told me she will be going to Brewer soon for treatments. The snowman is still around. When is spring coming? My neighbor, Blaine Johnson, is away, Did he go to Bangor? I’m not sure.
Our Bingo is small but we keep playing. Join us, our tenants, for Wednesday. Lent begins this week. It’s hard to believe that it is here. Easter won’t be far away. When someone we love passes away from this world, it can ease the pain to realize we have not lost a friend, we have gained an angel. Keep well and warm. See you in a few.
Sherman Seniors meet
The Sherman Senior Citizens Club met at Sherman Gym for a potluck lunch – always delicious – on March 2.
We signed cards to be sent to the families of the bereaved, the birthday folks, and to friends who are ill or shut in at nursing homes.
St. Patrick’s Day will be celebrated at our next meeting, featuring the special meal of ham and cabbage, along with the traditional veggies. Wear your green regalia.
Present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Sandra Qualay, Mary Lawler, Bonita Staples, Eva Perry, Esther Greenier, who enjoyed a fun game of Bingo.
Happy Losers meet
By Shirley Sides
On March 2, the Happy Losers held their weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Our leader Jackie Pratt opened our meeting with pledge and roll call.
Eleven ladies weighed in and 10 attended our meeting. Mary Shaw was the loser of the week, and Judi MacArthur, Brenda Raymond were runners-up. Great job ladies! Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week.
Joanie Sides led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article called “Painless Weight Loss.” The meeting was interesting and informative as always. Please feel welcome to our group every Wed. 8:00am to 8:45am weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9:00am. Call 365-4884 for more information. Hope Spring will be here soon!