Science center needs support

13 years ago

Science center needs support

To the editor:

The Francis Malcolm Science Center recently hosted a highly successful Open House with a grand celebration of interactive science adventures and activities.

Welcoming over 200 guests from the very young to the “young at heart”, supporters rubbed shoulders and exchanged excitement, embracing the mission of the Science Center.

Activities included:

• Two sensational presentations of the ($250,000) “SciDomeHD” high definition digital planetarium system the Science Center longs to introduce as a permanent feature. “Awesome”, “Wow”, and similar accolades inspired the Spitz, Inc. presenters, Jeff Whiteside and Scott Huggins.

• WAGM weather personality Ted Shapiro captivated a large crowd in the new second floor classroom encouraging local forecasting and the “how to’s”. Weather colleagues Tim Duda and Michael Hill from the National Weather Service in Caribou provided weather talks and related instrumentation displays.

• Astronomy Educator Larry Berz, along with volunteer students from the Maine School of Science and Mathematics, launched model rockets as the massive crowd “counted down” for lift off!

• The Ocean Touch Tank allowed visitors the opportunity to look at, learn about, and touch an interesting assortment of marine animals.

• A small army of children and parents “invaded” our woodlands to participate in a mystery treasure hunt…earning prizes.

The staff of the Science Center would like to thank the numerous supporters for their very generous donations, making our Open House such a huge success.

As the Malcolm Science Center begins a campaign for the funding required to keep our doors open, we remind everyone to contribute as ability and conscience permits. Every donation represents an investment in the future education of thousands — yourselves, your children, and your grandchildren. For 28 years, The Francis Malcolm Science Center has consistently provided services to more than 5,000 visitors annually at no cost. Now, we ask you to embrace the immediacy of our appeal for your financial support to ensure our existence well into the future.

The Science Center staff
