Project Explore

14 years ago

Project Explore

Ken Peters was the guest speaker at the Fort Fairfield Rotary Club on April 13.

BU-FortRotary-clr-cx-shar-16Photo courtesy of Larry Plant

Mr. Peters gave a presentation on Project Explore. Project Explore is a one-week program held at UMPI the third week in June. The program was started 22 years ago as a means for gifted and talented students in grades 2-8 to explore areas that they excel in and to allow talented students to take classes in the visual arts. Students are recommended by classroom teachers and go through a screening process. Instructors are local teachers and artists who work with the students for the week. Three-hour classes are run for five days, with morning and afternoon offerings. Some examples of the classes are: dance, art, clay, theater, science, math and many more. Teachers are directed to do only hands-on programs with no lectures. Pictured from left are: FFRC host Stephanie Beaulieu and Ken Peters.