Teachers invited to apply for service-learning funds
AUGUSTA — The Maine Commission for Community Service (MCCS), in partnership with Time Warner Cable’s “Connect a Million Minds” (CAMM) initiative, announces a Request For Proposals from teachers, service-learning coordinators, and administrators in public schools to implement Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) based service-learning projects that increase student engagement, participation, and persistence in STEM disciplines while helping to address local community needs and concerns.
These funded service-learning projects will bring together schools and multiple community partners to collectively address local/regional related issues. Recipients of this grant will gain expertise in designing, implementing, and assessing service-learning projects that use complex and compelling social issues to deliver STEM instruction, building a cohort of experienced service-learning practitioners in the state.
For more information and to apply, visit http://www.maineservicecommission.gov/grants/ and navigate to the bottom of the page. The deadline for applications is June 6.
Eligible applicants include teachers, service-learning coordinators, and administrators in public schools. Current recipients of Learn and Serve America funds are NOT eligible for this competition.
Time Warner Cable launched Connect a Million Minds to introduce youth to opportunities and resources that inspire them to develop the important science, technology, engineering and math skills they need to become the problem solvers of tomorrow.
The Maine Commission for Community Service builds capacity and sustainability in Maine’s volunteer and service communities by funding programs, developing managers of volunteers and service-learning practitioners, raising awareness of sector issues, and promoting service as a strategy. To learn more about the Maine Commission for Community Service, log onto