Presque Isle Organizations Meet

14 years ago

Presque Isle Organizations Meet

Probus Club gets waste update

Dana Fowler, director of  solid waste management for the city of Presque Isle, was the guest speaker at the April 21 meeting of the Probus Club of Aroostook.

Peggy Woodman conducted the meeting in the absence of President Karen Sweeney. Mel Fitzherbert, program chairman, introduced Mr. Fowler who spoke at length about the new orange bag/blue bag program recently adopted for the city of Presque Isle in conjunction with the Presque Isle Recycling Center.

The program has been in operation for about a month and he answered questions about the advantages of recycling and the benefits to the community and the city as far as revenues and keeping our landfill secure in the future. The city is expanding the landfill but it will not support the amount of refuse as it has in the past. Recycling paper and plastic materials will benefit keeping the amounts of refuse under control while producing revenue for the city by the sale of the recycled materials.

Mr. Flower went on to give a demonstration using various materials that can and cannot be put into the blue recycling bags and what is expected to then go into the orange refuse bags. He also explained how the bags should be deposited at the curb and what to do with glass items and heavy cardboard. He also answered questions about how to properly dispose of metals, electronics and batteries.

There were many questions and at the end of his presentation,  the club members were educated as to their recycling efforts.

Mel presented Mr. Fowler with a certificate of appreciation from the Club.

The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. Gerry Gallagher reported that we have 30 paid members of our Club.

Helen McConnell read a lovely note from Mary McBride who thanked the Club for the happy St. Patrick birthday party; and Helen gave Mary’s new address to those wanting to write or call her. A motion was made and seconded to reimburse Helen for the gift purchased for Mary.

Pearl Carmichael read a poem entitled “Building of the Nest” and how our spring birds always know when to start their yearly practice.

Paul Lynch gave an update on the scholarship application process and he has contacted the respective high school regarding this annual scholarship.

Mel Fitzherbert suggested that our group might be interested in a tour of the Loring Wildlife Refuge. A discussion was held as to when and how we can make this trip and  decided that we would wait until better weather and the next meeting to plan this excursion.

After our St. Patarick’s Day sing-along with Dan Ladner, it was realized that the piano in the banquet area of the cafeteria was basically not up to the task of being played without great effort! A discussion was made about the possibility of Probus finding a used piano that could be donated to NMCC. Barbara Beaulieu offered to donate an organ that she has. Helen and Neil will check into this further with NMCC.

Pearl said that a sympathy card had been mailed to Amilia Christnot, the daughter of Christina Christnot, a Probus member who passed away last month.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Beta Sigma Phi news

Maine Epsilon Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met April 21 at the home of Dolores Hutchins, with Honey Higgins co-hosting and 18 members present.

Following the Opening Ritual, secretary, treasurer and committee reports were given. Thank-you notes were read from Bonnie Cowett, the Red Cross, Homeless Services of Aroostook, NMCC, Ryan’s Heart and Sue Lougee.

The slate of officers for the upcoming year were presented as: President Pam Palm; Vice President Nancy Nichols; Corresponding Secretary Betsy Fitzherbert; Secretary Tammy Walton; and Treasurer Peggy Erwin. Installation of these officers was scheduled for the May 19 meeting, at the home of Sue Lougee.

Happy Dollars were shared and the 50/50 draw was won by Julie Ballard. Great refreshments were provided by Honey Higgins, Lucy Adams and Ellen Helstrom.

Sorority breaks for summer

Maine Epsilon Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met at the home of Sue Lougee. Prior to the opening ritual, installation of officers was held. The new officers are: Pam Palm, president; Nancy Nichols, vice president; Peggy Erwin, treasurer; Tammy Walton, secretary; and Betsy Fitzherbert, corresponding secretary.

The opening ritual was then recited followed by roll call and the reading of the minutes of the last meeting.  News from our international office was read. Our upcoming New England Convention will be held September 2012 in Cape Cod.

President Judy Kenney told us that we received a booklet from the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce. We are listed as a ‘civic group.’ Betsy Fitzherbert read thank-yous from the Red Cross for our recent donation. Also a note was received from the Presque Isle Scholarship Pageant Committee thanking us for our sponsorship of this worthy event.

We were reminded to remember our Secret Sals that have birthdays and anniversaries throughout the summer. Dolores Hutchins reported on the recent Founder’s Day banquet held at the Loring Commerce Center. Her peers recognized her for her longstanding commitment to the council and sorority at large. Judy Kenney was honored as our Girl of the Year.

The theme for 2011-2012 is Building Our Future on Tradition. A special thank you was given to the telephone committee for keeping everyone informed of sorority events. A motion was made to give a monetary donation to the American Cancer Society to support Nancy Nichols. She is a team captain for the upcoming Relay for Life event that will be held in Caribou. The local ACAP office will be hosting a bake sale and silent auction as well to support this worthy cause.

Many Happy Dollar comments were shared. Perfect attendance was announced and President Judy thanked her officers for all their help this year as well as the group at large. The 50/50 raffle was held and, for the second time in a row, Julie Ballard was the lucky winner. The closing ritual was recited and refreshments were enjoyed.