RSU 39 Adult Ed graduates 134

14 years ago

By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

The cafeteria at the Caribou Learning Center was filled with friends, family members and educators, as 19 cap and gown clad graduates, each carrying a single carnation entered single file, making their way to the front of the room where they would accept their well-deserved diplomas, achieved by completing courses needed for their high school or GED diplomas through the Eastern Aroostook Adult and Community Education program.

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Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
These graduates participated in the May 12 graduation ceremonies from the Eastern Aroostook Adult and Community Education programs held at the Caribou Learning Center. The graduates had successfully completed the requirements to achieve their high school or GED diplomas. Overall a total of 134 individuals completed their diploma goals this year. From left, in front, are: Kyle P. Gagnon, Ashley Parady, Michael A. York, Desiree Kelley, Jessie L. Carney, Sheila D. Green, Melissa Pelkey, Melinda Madore, Stevie-Anne Lunny and Wanda Pulliam. In back are: Allen J. Boyce, Caleb Schwartz, Brandon P. Theriault, Gary Aiken, Aundra Drayton, Karon Shrum, Keith Tingley, Keith McGraw and Sandra Little.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance led by student Karon Shrum, Clifford Rhome, a member of the Eastern Aroostook Regional School Unit 39 (RSU 39) addressed the graduates. “To get here where you are today, you have taken the path less traveled. In the past it may have been your decisions or other things that created the changes in your path but what is important is what’s going on today — you are not your past. You have balanced responsibility with adulthood.”

“Tell others how important education is,” encouraged Rhome. “You have demonstrated admirable traits — you are not just talking the talk, you are walking the walk. Be proactive and stay positive.”

Dustin Denbow, a student in the adult education program, related to his peers and audience members that through his work in a nursing facility, he quickly realized that individuals deserve a helping hand for they have made many contributions to society. “Through education, we grow as people,” said Denbow,

“Forty-six years ago, at the age of 16, I dropped out of high school,” stated Gary Aiken, standing in front of the podium. “I worked in factories, had some money in my pocket but wasn’t happy. I applied for one job where I had to take a personality and IQ test, I guess I passed because they called me back and later was offered a better job at the age of 19. I was working in business management.” Aiken continued his story adding, “I learned a lot in those years, I read, took courses and eventually I became vice president and general manager with more than 1,000 employees.” Although Aiken has had a successful business career, it didn’t come without hard work and the perseverance to continue his education. “I didn’t have a GED,” said Aiken. “But I do now and I thank the continuing education department for that.”

Dan MacDonald, director of the Eastern Aroostook Adult and Community Education Center in Caribou, awarded the Director’s Award to Keith McGraw, stating, “There is nothing easy about going to school when you are an adult, it is then that the importance of education becomes more evident.”

Overall there were 134 individuals who successfully fulfilled the educational requirements to achieve their high school or GED diplomas this year through the Eastern Aroostook Adult and Community Education program, 11 of these students passed the GED exam with scores above 3000.

FS-Adult-ed Grads-dc5-AR-20Diplomas were awarded to the graduates participating in the graduation ceremony by MacDonald and Frank McElwain, RSU 39 superintendent.

Gary Aiken shares some of his life’s lesson with other graduates during the May 12 Eastern Aroostook Adult and Community Education Center graduation.





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Dustin Denbow, a student in the Eastern Aroostook Adult and Community Education program spoke during graduation ceremonies held May 12 at the Caribou Learning Center.




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Dan MacDonald, director of the Eastern Aroostook Adult and Community Education Center presents graduate Keith McGraw with the 2011 Director’s Award during graduation ceremonies held on May 12.




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Desiree Kelley, a May 12 graduate of the Eastern Aroostook Adult and Community Education programs shares her thanks for the support and encouragement she received while working to achieve her GED diploma.