Sewell is featured speaker at HHS

14 years ago

    LaDericka Sewell, eighth-grade English teacher at Houlton Junior High School, has been invited by the Class of 2011 to be the guest speaker at their commencement exercises, which will take place on Thursday evening, June 2, at 7:30 at John A. Millar Civic Center.
    Sewell is a native of Springfield, Mo. and a graduate of Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, where she graduated with a joint honors bachelor of arts degree in English and in history. In 1995, she was awarded her bachelor of education degree from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
    Sewell has family roots in the area, notably the Watson Wells family in Littleton. She visited in Littleton each summer and worked as a counselor at Whited Bible Camp in Bridgewater. Sewell moved to Maine and became a substitute teacher at SAD 29 in the fall of 1995. She has since served as a Native American tutor and a Title One tutor. She was hired in the fall of 2000 as a grade eight through 12 English teacher. At the present time, she works exclusively with eighth-grade students. 
    She is married to Arthur Sewell and they are the parents of Aaron and Kelsey. As a family they enjoy camping, swimming, visiting family and friends and attending the Houlton Wesleyan Church.
    The last weeks of school are a busy time for the seniors. On Saturday, May 21, the seniors left for their class trip to Boston, returning on May 23. On Tuesday evening, May 31, the Senior Banquet will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the Region 2 School of Applied Technology. Senior Last Chapel will follow the banquet at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium, where scholarships and awards will be presented. 
    After graduation exercises at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 2, the class will gather at the Houlton Lodge of Elks for Project Graduation. Many businesses and individuals have contributed to this program to provide prizes, food, and a safe place for seniors to celebrate after graduation.
    If parents or guardians have questions concerning any of the above activities, please call the school at 532-6551.