Oakfield Seniors
By Peggy Sanders
Twenty members and one guest of the Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Oakfield snowmobile club for their last meeting of June. Everybody had a good lunch. There was one “Happy birthday” to Evelyn Burpee.
After lunch we had a short business meeting. The treasurers and the secretary reports were read and
accepted. There was a conversation about the summer trip. Members are asked to think of some ideas for the next meeting.
Wanetta Townsend gave the card report. Linda Bartlett gave some information about RSVP. Any questions see Linda.
There was no new business, so Bob dismissed the group.
Attending were Tessie Barrett, Linda Bartlett, Merle and Evelyn Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Urswula Levesque, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Charlotte and Don Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Katherine Boutlier, Geneva Bell, Gladys Coniele, Donna Furrow and our guest Marie Gillotti’s granddaughter Carrissa Silvestri.
Everyone is welcome. The Oakfield Senior Citizens meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at the snowmobile club in Oakfield.
Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Hello everyone. What a beautiful Sunday we have had. The weather is good for a change and a few more days of favorable weather is the forecast for this week. Lots of rain this past week.
Retraction: Ken Thibodeau is not a new tenant. Sorry about that. Also, I reported that Leanna Nason graduated from Houlton High School and it was Hodgdon High School. When I make a mistake, I will acknowledge it and say I am sorry.
Leanna Nason spent overnight here at Ricker with her aunt, Shirley Nason. We will have a cookout on Saturday at noon in celebration for the Fourth of July. Happy Fourth of July to all readers. May your holiday be spent with family and friends and have a safe and happy one.
Most of us will be watching the big parade on the Fourth of July. The parade marches past our establishment and our lawn is usually covered with people, since it gives them a great view of the paraders.
Sylvia Thompson and her Aunt Eldora Acherson of Bridgewater went to Plainville, Conn. by bus to visit Sylvia’s brother, Gene Tracy, who had been in an serious accident. Certainly hope that Gene is not badly hurt or that he is better.
The strawberries are ripening, so I’m told. A friend of mine picked recently and the owners are advertising. Can’t wait for those berries. Heard they are very plentiful this year and big and juicy. Many will be making, pies, jams and jellies of those berries and some will freeze. Have been looking for some rhubarb. Anyone there I know have some? Two of my friends who gave me some in the past have died.
Our Deacon Albert Burleigh turned 60 just recently. If you see him, wish him a Happy Birthday. He’s a great guy!
My brother, Paul Phelan whom I write about frequently and is now 90, is boarding a plane to visit with family in California. Good for him. At 90, he does not slow down! I would be remiss if I did not mention the band concert at the park on last Thursday. Usually the first one is crowded but because of the weather, cold and damp, it was not but fairly good attendance. The concert was great nevertheless with balloons and popcorn. One and half hours of great entertainment! Was happy to hear that the Larson family was presented a plaque in honor of Ken Larson, recently deceased. Missed the R.B. Hall Band and the other bands, but that I would have liked to hear. Anyway, thanks for a night of fun.
A little note: Reach out to people in need, and one day they might call you “Angel.” Have a safe and joyful week.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, June 24 meeting. Leader Denise Clark led the meeting with 16 TOPS and KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
Reports were given by secretary Charlotte Marley and weight recorder Joanne Scott. Loser of the week was Joanne Scott with Lois Downing as runner-up. Pledges were said and Denise told us the @Stars@ contest is going well. Margaret Hagerman took home the skinny dish.
Charlotte Marley took over as program leader and used a microphone. We were all given sheets of paper with names of vegetables and fruits; the items contained a chart such as supports immune system, reduces risk of heart attack, combats cancer, kills bacteria. For example, pineapple strenthens bones, relieves colds, aids digestion, dissolves warts and blacks diarrhea.
Charlotte also supplied us with lots of acts on apples: 20 calories per apple, zero cholesterol, no sodium, and an old adage, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It was very interesting. At the end of the program she gave each person a piece of an apple breakfast bar made by Charlotte. It was delicious. Donna Parent was presented an apple at the end of the program for possessing an item on a certain vegetable. We meet every Friday; weigh-in is at 8-8-45. No one will be weighed after 8:45 to allow time for the papers to be figured.
If you want more information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653. Everybody is welcome.