WWC offers social networking workshop

14 years ago

    Northern Maine Development Commission is partnering with the Sunrise County Economic Council and the Maine Woods Consortium to provide a three-hour comprehensive workshop titled “How can social networking enhance my business?” The event will take place on Wednesday, June 29, from 9 a.m. to noon.
    Erica Quin-Easter, microenterprise coordinator for Women, Work, and Community, will facilitate the workshop. The workshop will introduce participants to Facebook, Twitter, blogging and many other applications that can be used to improve business marketing.
    The workshop will be broadcast live using a Polycom Teleconference System. The live presenter will be at the Caribou NMDC location with four other sites connecting in Fort Kent, Houlton, Machias and Calais. For more information, contact Will at the Sunrise County office at 255-0983 ext.10, or e-mail wtuell@sunrisecounty.org.