Homemakers wrap up season
The Spragueville Homemakers Extension held their Annual Spring Outing on May 24, 2011, at 6 p.m. at The Crow’s Nest, with 12 members and one guest attending. A delicious meal and social time were enjoyed by all. In the absence of the president and vice-president, no business meeting was held following the dinner.
On June 27, 11 members, four spouses, and three guests from the Caribou Night Extension attended the year-end Annual Picnic at the Aroostook State Park campers’ dining area on the mountain. Following the yummy potluck supper, President Sylvia Harper called the business meeting to order. The Homemakers Creed was recited, roll call was taken, volunteer hours recorded and “Coins for Caring” were collected.
Secretary/Treasurer LaVone Walters gave her respective reports and read a “thank you” from Mildred and Viola Beaulieu for the group’s thoughtfulness during their illnesses.
Under Old Business: President Sylvia reported that the Extension had purchased a new, large can opener and white message board for the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club; both items have been placed at the clubhouse. Sylvia then gave a report of the Spring State Convention which was held in Herman in April. Under New Business: there will be no regular Extension meetings held in July and August. However, plans and work for the fair booth will be held prior to the fair. Sylvia asked for Fair Committee volunteers; LaVone and Lois Griffin were “elected.” Work dates for the fair will be: set-up day Tuesday, July 26, 9 a.m.; exhibition items will be received on Wednesday, July 27, 8:30 a.m.; displaying of items and judging on Thursday, July 28; and cooking demonstrations on Friday, July 29. Spragueville’s security work hours will be Sunday, July 31, from 4 – 9 p.m.; extra work hours may possibly be available.
The condition of the Balloon Site was discussed. Attention needs to be taken at the site, so it was suggested Extension members have a weeding work time on Tuesday, July 5, beginning at 9 a.m.
LaVone displayed some interesting garden items that were included in the “gardening basket” she won at State Convention. Photos were passed around for all to see of the State Convention; apparently, a fun time was had by all at the Luncheon Tea, what with the array of lovely hats worn by Spragueville’s members!
Prior to adjournment, President Sylvia asked members to be thinking of ideas during the summer months for programs for the 2012 season. She also asked members to be thinking of ideas for the County Spring Tea which will be co-hosted by Spragueville and Mapleton Extensions.
The next regular meeting of the Spragueville Homemakers Extension will be the Planning Meeting for 2012 on September 26, at 7 p.m. at the home of President Sylvia Harper, 79 State Park Road.