1911: Grain is unusally early this year

14 years ago

100 Years Ago: July 27, 1911

• A spark from the steam roller which is at work on Main Street set the awning in front of the Pattee Co.’s store on fire Wednesday. Fortunately the fire was discovered in time before any damage, other than the ruining of the awning, was done.

• A horse belonging to John Jacobs ran away Tuesday night when near Johnson’s slaughterhouse, upsetting the carriage and throwing its occupants out. Mr. Jacobs injured his hip slightly, while his companion suffered several bruises. The animal is usually very kind, and has been driven by women many times and it is thought that it took fright from the smell of blood from the slaughterhouse.

• Grain is unusually early this year and many pieces will be ready for harvesting in a few days.

• Hon. Columbus Hayford of Presque Isle has a record-breaking bee business. He has 5,000 boxes on his hives and already has harvested over 800 pounds of honey. He expects to have about two tons before the season is over. Mr. Hayford does all his own work and enjoys it.

• The barn of Frank Morse in Woodland was struck by lightning during Saturday’s shower, causing a fire, which however, was extinguished before much damage was done.

75 Years Ago: July 23, 1936

• A new method of applying dust to potato fields — by airplane — will be demonstrated on the farm of Milton E. Smith, state road, Presque Isle, weather permitting. There are at present two planes in the county equipped for this purpose and some of the work will soon be done by this method. The farmers of this section will be intensely interested in watching this new process. Aerial dusting is now being done in the south on the cotton fields and the cranberry bogs of Cape Cod but has never before been tried here.

• The 66th anniversary of the founding of New Sweden will be celebrated with an appropriate program next Sunday, July 26, at Thomas Park.

• The Chamber of Commerce and the Fire Department of Limestone are planning a big time on the occasion of their second annual water carnival to be held at the Limestone swimming pool. An elaborate program is being planned and will be carried out under the direction of John H. Wilson. This will consist of fancy and comic diving, swimming races for old and young, canoe racing, canoe tilting, log rolling and fly casting.

• David Demerchant has purchased a new Ford truck.

• A one-and-a-half-ton truck owned by Charles Kimball and driven by son, Richard, met with a mishap at the corner of Main and Collins streets Tuesday evening when in rounding the corner from Main Street onto Collins the young man applied his brakes too suddenly and the load toppled over onto the side of the road. The truck was cleared of its load and easily righted.

50 Years Ago: July 27, 1961

• One of the most striking young women to come down the local glamour trail in a long time was crowned Miss Caribou, 1961 in a suspense-filled evening Wednesday at Caribou High School. Some time after the judges had retired from the audience word came back to Master of Ceremonies Dick Waitt that they were deadlocked and were of the opinion that they could reach a fair decision only if the girls made a second appearance in sportswear. When the judges returned for the second time they were unanimous in awarding the crown to Bernette Dube. Runner-up to Miss Dube was Miss Ruth Milton.

• Mrs. Amos Fletcher Jr. and Patty and Freddie accompanied by Mrs. Amos Fletcher Sr. made an overnight trip to Lincolnville and returned with Carolyn Fletcher, who had been attending Camp Tanglewood the past two weeks.

• Melvin K. Dickinson GM4, USN, has returned to Norfolk, Va., after spending a 30-day leave with parents and friends. He has re-enlisted for six more years and will resume his duties aboard the U.S.S. Canberra, a guided missile cruiser.

• The Caribou High School Class of 1936 will hold its 25th class reunion at the Prestile Terrace Motel Saturday evening, Aug. 5 and a good turnout is expected. this was a large class, with 117 students.

• Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brewer left by plane for New York City where they left on a two weeks’ trip to Europe.