Hartin, Flynn receive scholarship

13 years ago

    The northern region of Maine Sports Legends announced its Scholar/Athlete Scholarship recipients for 2011, as Shelby Hartin and DJ Flynn.
    Shelby Hartin graduated from Southern Aroostook High School ranking first in her class. Shelby participated in varsity soccer, basketball and softball. She was an All-Aroostook Scholar/Athlete Award winner and was on the All-Aroostook soccer and basketball teams her senior year. Hartin was also a member of the school band for four years.
    Other awards include, Dirigo Girls State Delegate, Maine Youth Leadership, Maine Principals Award and the Phi Beta Kappa Award. She was also a member of the National Honor Society with a GPA of 97.43.
sp hartin dcx all 28Shelby Hartin
    Hartin volunteered in the Red Cross blood drive and was a mentor in the 21st Century After-School Program.
    Hartin was granted early admission at UMO to the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences with a major in English.
    She is the daughter of Craig and Tammy Hartin.
    The other recipient from northern Maine is  Duncan ‘DJ’ Flynn, who graduated from Caribou High School ranking first in his class.
    Duncan participated in varsity cross-country, alpine and nordic skiing and track and field. In 2010 his cross-country team was state Class B champions and in 2011 his nordic ski team were Class B state champions.
    Flynn received the MIT Promise of the Future Award, Bausch & Lamb Honorary Science Award, DAR Outstanding U.S. History Award, Outstanding Math and French Student Award. Flynn also received high honors at Caribou High School with a GPA of 98.95.
sp DJ Flynn dcx all 28DJ Flynn
    He is a member of the National Honor Society, president of Student Council, member of the school band and jazz band all four years and was chosen for the All-Aroostook Band. Flynn volunteered at his church, Special Olympics, Caribou Middle School, Caribou Little League and at Pines Health Center.
    He will attend Bowdoin College with a pre-med and math major.
    He is the son of Dr. Carl and Clarann Flynn.
    Both of these students will be among the eight statewide winners receiving $500 each at the annual banquet in Waterville at the Alfond Boys and Girls Club on October 7.