Postal Service should step aside
To the editor:
I must agree with Sen. Susan Collins’ Aug. 3 column in which she discusses the U.S. Postal Service.
Sen. Collins very astutely pointed out that there are many alternative actions available to the USPS for cost reduction, rather than reduction of service to rural communities. Given the small percentage of expense represented by these small post offices which serve communities far from cities, the USPS should really be looking at the real expense reduction opportunities, such as staffing and contracting, retirement funds and workers’ compensation.
Having some years’ experience with the issues attendant upon developing operating budgets with real expense reduction while sustaining an acceptable service level to customers, I can tell you that you must begin by examining the largest piece of the budget pie, not the smallest. We all depend upon mail delivery, and it is frightening to think that those running the USPS, well compensated as they are, cannot see this obvious point.
Perhaps an entity like Federal Express could do a better job with routine mail delivery, and the USPS should retire itself.
Lisa Davis