‘Blue Mass’ set for Saturday in Caribou

13 years ago

By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

    Caribou Fire Chief Roy Woods has announced that there will be a “Blue Mass” held at the Holy Rosary Church in Caribou on Saturday, Sept. 10 beginning at 4 p.m. Woods stated he expects there will be a tremendous number of law enforcement, EMS and firefighters/fire department personnel in attendance including Canadian counterparts. “As this marks the first Blue Mass held in Caribou, we expect that the church will be full for this service,” said Woods.
    According to officials with the Catholic Church, law enforcement, fire and emergency management service personnel from across Maine and New Brunswick will gather in Caribou for the special commemorative Mass, which honors their public service.
    The annual Blue Mass service is held on the weekend closest to September 11, honoring all first-responders and in memory of those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001.
    During the Blue Mass, Bishop Richard J. Malone will bestow his blessings upon those who contribute to the public health and safety in the State of Maine and western New Brunswick. Bishop of Edmundston, N.B., Claude Champagne will also be in attendance to co-celebrate the Mass.
    “This Mass is to thank and pay tribute to those in our communities who serve us every day and often in dangerous situations,” said Bishop Malone.
    Members of the public safety agencies have been invited to attend the Mass, in uniform for a procession into the church. Color guards will also be in attendance and vehicles, representing the respective departments will be on display.
    Family members and the general public of all faith traditions are also invited to attend this celebratory Mass.
    A reception will be held immediately following the Mass in the parish hall.