Teen leadership program essential to growth

13 years ago

To the editor:
    I am writing to express my gratitude and support for the Aroostook Teen Leadership Program (ATLC). My son has been part of ATLC for the past year and I have been associated with the 25-year program for four years as an instructor at their summer camp in Limestone.
    My eighth-grade son has benefited immensely from this structured student-led program that focuses on many topics in their July summer camp and throughout the year in various Aroostook county middle schools. Past topics have been healthy relationships, goal-setting, conflict resolution, personal achievement, recognizing depression, dealing with alcohol/nicotine and drug pressures, as well as a heavy emphasis on respectful leadership skills. Phenomenal national speakers have presented to attendees and follow-up activities like monthly get-togethers, newsletters and mini-camps have ensued. This on-going support helps counteract the barrage of negative messages that teens are exposed to.
    As well as quality programming, my son has had an opportunity to break out of social boundaries that are, unfortunately, naturally created at school and befriend kids who he would not have connected with otherwise … kids with different experiences but similar goals.
    Many times adolescents notice differences that set everyone apart instead of similarities that bind. Thanks to ATLC, young teens are realizing that it is cool to be kind, drug-free and positive leaders in their communities. One of ATLC’s messages is “ … good leaders create more leaders, not more followers.”
    Thank you to Jack Foster at Aroostook Mental Health Center and all the ATLC staff and students; you are appreciated and represent what our current youth need to become confident, empathetic, creative adults.
    Please contact Jack at jfoster@amhc.org or at 498-6431 for more information about “ATLC Magic” or if you would like to attend our fundraiser SuperSupper at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 24, at the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club – a delicious harvest dinner with prizes to choose from.
Julie French
ATLC parent and guest presenter
Presque Isle