by Tomi Henderson
The United Methodist Women’s Group of Washburn will be holding their annual Christmas Craft and Food Sale on Saturday, Nov. 5,from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Lidstone Memorial United Methodist Church in Washburn.
Everyone is welcome to come shop for food or crafts, and to join the ladies for a great cup of coffee and a muffin. See you at the sale.
If you have any questions, contact Bonnie Lavway at 455-4014.
Project Graduation fundraiser
Washburn Project Graduation 2012 will be selling lia sophia jewelry during the beginning of November. These pieces will make great Christmas gifts. A “wrap up” party will be held on Saturday, Nov. 12, at the elementary building in the gym beginning at 2 p.m. If anyone would like to see the jewelry before they purchase anything, please feel free to come. See any senior to place an order.
Youth successful in hunt
Drew White spent the day with his dad, Andy White, on Youth Hunt Day this past weekend. The pair spent some time in several Washburn and Wade fields, finally reaching the goal at a place on the Gardner Creek Road at about 5:15 p.m.
With the onset of heavier rain, Drew had nearly given up, deciding that the lack of bucks in the area might not yield him a kill. The weather was drizzly and somewhat cold all day, but the hunters persevered and finally spotted the six-point 153-pound buck just as he was stepping out of the woods in the company of four does. The hunters were a bit far away, so they walked at an angle in order to get a clear shot from approximately 10 yards back.
Drew’s grandfather, Bob Good, also accompanied them on the hunt during the morning hours, and all three had seen the deer earlier in the day, but had no good shot. Drew was using his 243 Rossi rifle — the same one he used to get his first deer during the October 2009 regular hunting season. Drew’s mom, Kelly, had volunteered to give both the father and son hunters the day off from their duties at the gas station in order to hunt together. This year was Drew’s last hunt during Youth Day, as he’s going to be too old next year.
They phoned a cousin, Butch Levesque, who dropped what he was doing and came to help Drew and Andy field dress the buck, and phoned Kelly to come and get a photo of the prize.
Washburn ATV Club
Please use caution, as any day a tractor with a machete attached to an arm will be cutting back the trails, starting from the Washburn Food Mart and ending at the Crouseville Bridge as well as a section from McCain’s to the Boat Landing. The trail to Blackstone Siding was done a few months ago.
For riders’ safety, club officials ask that you please wear blaze orange while riding the trails during the hunting season and also bring or wear adequate clothing, since temperatures can change suddenly.
Officials wish to thank the 13 businesses/members for helping support the club this season.
The next club meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at the clubhouse. Potluck supper starts at 6 p.m. and the meeting begins at 6:30. There will be coffee, hot chocolate, bottled water and canned soda available.
The last club meeting will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3, at the Washburn Trail Runners Snowmobile Club for the Club Members Christmas Party. More information will be posted after the November meeting. Please visit www.washburnatvclub.com or the club’s Facebook page for more information and updates. If you have any questions, please contact Club President Roger Hewitt at 455-8315.
Salmon Brook Historical Society
The Salmon Brook Historical Society will be holding their next meeting on Thursday, Nov. 3, at 6 p.m. at the Washburn Civic Center. A potluck supper will be followed by a business meeting. Please bring a service setting and either a main dish, dessert or rolls. For more information, contact Dennis Harris at 455-8279
Please be aware that, except for special requests for tours, the museum is closed for the season.
Girl Scouts
Area Girl Scouts are asking for help in keeping the little hands of area children warm this coming winter. The Scouts are asking for new or gently-used mittens and gloves which will be given to elementary school students. They can be either store-bought or handmade, and all sizes are needed.
Donation boxes will be available at the Washburn Town Office, the Washburn Memorial Library and at the mailbox area at Salmon Brook Meadow.
Thank you for your help in this project. For more information, contact Christie Cochran at 455-8034.
Sesquicentennial book
Washburn history book entitled “150 Years of Memories” is a 181-page bound edition that covers local events from 1861 to current times. It is available at the Washburn Town Office and the Washburn Memorial Library during normal operating hours. You may also order your books through Londa Brown at libbrown@msad45.net or email ldcole1@roadrunner.com or gramchristie@yahoo.com. You may also phone Christie Cochran at 455-4959 or 551-6979 and leave a message.
The cost of the book is $20, with an additional $5 fee for mailing. All proceeds from the book will go towards the Washburn Mill Pond Project.
Those celebrating birthdays Nov. 2-8 include: Joel Humphrey, Allison Baker, Adam Fantasia, Lois Goodine, Dick Hartford, Lynne Hyland, Linda Bragg, Barry Flood, Dana Caron, Julie Wilcox, Meagan Dobson, Justin Howe, Angel Howe, Bill White, Rowena Forbes, Andrea Cray, Trevor Pendextor II, Robert Wilcox, Everet Merchant, Jenna Farley and Phil Dubois.
Celebrating their anniversaries are: Alfred and Diana Easler, Stan and Nada Theriault, David and Connie Heald, Rodney and Charlene Drake, and Derek and Candy Libby.
Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail tomihen@yahoo.com.