To the editor:
Once upon a time in the town of? There was a closeness among the people. Children played, adults conversed and worked to see their town grow in population and industry. They possessed desire and determination with a work ethic comparable to none. What happened that caused the town to decrease in numbers, businesses to close, industries to shut down and move away?
Big Brother took over offering grants and services with regulations and rules that seemed adaptable to meet. After all, look what we were getting, “A new facelift.”
As more grants were given, so were the regulations and rules with more bite to adapt to. We were losing control, but don’t panic, money would solve everything. Really?
Past businesses that lined the town’s streets now display closed or for sale signs in the windows. Offices replaced some of the vacancies, but the retail and department stores were gone. The job market looked dim and found students after graduation exiting the area.
In our present state, we find Big Brother in crisis — what to do? Woe! Woe! Woe!
Fret not. Someone other than Big Brother is in control with all power and might to set the captives free. And His name is Jesus Christ. He is the only One who can turn things around, to instill in the hearts of those who are in office the ways to work things out.
Trust Him, He is trustworthy. We hide nothing in the confidential files locked in the safe. He has the combination. He’s all knowing.
As we turn to Him in prayer for guidance and direction in this season of Christmas, let us not forget why He came.
Margaret Kimball