Happy New Year
The Sherman Senior Citizens club met on Dec. 21 at the Sherman gym for their annual Christmas dinner. The nine people present enjoyed the wonderful food and beautiful decorations.
Mark your calendar and join us in going to Houlton on the date of Dec. 29 at the Houlton Higher Education Center on Military Street. The governor plans to eliminate the Maine low-cost drug program and Medicare buy-in program. Please come and let your state representative and state senator know. We’ll be voting on these cuts. We’ll meet at Stuart Kelley’s Shell station at 10 a.m. and eat lunch at Elm Tree Diner then meet at 1 p.m. at this very important place.
Present at the meeting were Annie Atkinson, Donna Grass, Eva Perry, Esther Greenier, Bonita Staples, Linniea Perry, Mary Lauder, Sandra and Paul Qualey and Frances Gorman.
Our next meeting is Jan. 4, 2012.
HHS 40th Class Reunion this Summer
The Houlton High School Class of 1972 will hold its 40th class reunion at the Houlton Country Club on Saturday, July 7, 2012. In preparation, the group is holding a meeting of interested classmates on Thursday, Jan. 5, at 6 p.m. at Dave Harbison’s Plumbing and Heating Shop on Bangor Street to start the process of locating graduates of the class and to make plans for the reunion.
Anyone willing to participate is welcome to attend. Those who have contact information for classmates that are not living in the local area, should contact Janice Kelley (532-7123, thekelleys73@hotmail.com) or Al Cowperthwaite (227-2851, al@northmainewoods.org).