Maine-Quebec Caravan registration forms available
by Susan Feeney Hopkins
The Maine-Quebec Winter Carnival Caravan will be held on the weekend of Feb. 10-12. The Caravan will be departing from Dean’s Motor Lodge in Portage Lake on the 10th. The breakfast sendoff will begin at 6 a.m. with departure planned for 7 a.m.
From Dean’s, the Caravan will proceed to Maibec, cross the border at St. Pamphile, Quebec and will then travel on to Quebec City to enjoy the Winter Carnival. 2012 marks the 55th anniversary of the Caravan with the first trip dating back to 1957! What a special occasion and how wonderful that this tradition is still going strong!
All are welcomed and encouraged to join in the fun. It’s an experience worth having and Quebec City during Winter Carnival is a spectacular place to be!
Information and registration forms can be obtained at the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce in Presque Isle (764-6561) or by contacting Sarah Brooks at 552-6471.
Ongoing events
The Portage Lake ATV Club will meet every first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Office. All are welcome to attend. Contact Rena Belanger for membership or more information at 435-2780.
The Ashland Area Senior Citizens meet every Thursday at noon for a potluck luncheon at the LeBlanc Junkins VFW Post 9699 on the Portage Road. This active and growing club of senior citizens also takes trips to various restaurants throughout The County, hosts cookouts, enjoys guest speakers and entertainment such as musicians. For more information, contact Roberta Savary at 435-6422.
The Portage Lake Over 50’s Club lunch is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at the Town Hall. All individuals 50 and over are invited to attend and can bring a potluck dish to share. For more information, contact Wilza Robertson at 435-6211 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
The Red Hat Loonies of Portage Lake meet the second Thursday of every month at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Membership dues are $2. Come and have a great meal and a great time, too! For more information, contact Rachel Stevens at 435-6358.
Susan Feeney-Hopkins is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and the surrounding areas. She can be reached at 435-8232 or