• Saturday last will go on record as the coldest morning of the winter, the thermometers near the streams registering 46 degrees below zero.
• W.M. Armstrong, manager of the moving picture show in Limestone, was transacting business in Caribou Tuesday.
• H.A. Soucia and W.O. Lowney began cutting ice on the Aroostook River Monday. The ice is of fine quality never better, clear and fine, and about 30 inches thick.
• John Ringdahl of New Sweden wishes to announce that he has plenty of sawdust to spare but those who want it must communicate with Mr. Ringdahl as to what day they wish to come.
75 Years Ago: Feb. 4, 1937
• Great interest has been expressed in the tri-town marathon now in progress during the three days of the Fort Fairfield Carnival, which started this morning at nine o’clock. Of the eight starters, practically all were pretty well bunched when they arrived at Caribou, led by Harold Bondeson of New Sweden, who reached the Caribou Drug Company at 10:52 a.m.
• Irvine Gammon, who has been so prominent in the college life at Colby College, has been further honored by being elected president of his fraternity, Kappa Delta Rho.
• The Limestone Badminton Club held a dance Monday evening at the State Theatre. Music was by Albert Smith of Fort Fairfield, Luther Durepo and George Leighton. A good crowd was present and a pleasant evening enjoyed.
• The Stockholm High School will hold a Valentine Social Friday evening at the schoolhouse.
50 Years Ago: Feb. 1, 1962
• Arnold Gahagan Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gahagan has just completed his Marine boot training at Parris Island, South Carolina. He received a marksmanship medal on the rifle range and was promoted to private first class on Jan. 17. He is still at Parris Island awaiting further orders. PFC, Gahagan graduated from Caribou High School in 1961.
• Miss Clarice Holmquist and Miss Gusty Borgeson were in Presque Isle where they attended a 4-H officer’s training session at the Congregational church.
• Candidates for Stockholm Winter Carnival Queen are Linda Anderson, Linda Quist, Linda Thibodeau, Delores Raymond, Marlene Peters and Carol Searles.
• An investiture ceremony for Girl Scout Troop No. 7 was held at the Hilltop Elementary School with approximately 100 parents and guests present. The flag ceremony was performed with Bonnie Beveridge and Cynthia Blackstone as flag bearers; Diane Fentiman and Cynthia Murphy, color guard; and Mary Seigars as color sergeant.