Some things just don’t belong in our bodies
To the editor:
With the recent news on pink slime in our hamburger, I began to think on other things that we ingest that are supposedly okay for us: flouride, Red Dye 40, pesticides, and artificial (meaning: not real, fake) food items. I am not a doctor or scientist, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
My mom used crackers, oatmeal, or breadcrumbs to stretch our meat, not ammonia and floor sweepings! Do you all realize that this is the stuff used in dog food? Ammonia can cause respiratory problems as well as cellular problems. We’re letting our schools decide whether or not to use this stuff?!
Pesticides can cause problems in the nervous system, cancer, problems with hormones and the endocrine system in the body (regulates mood, growth, development, tissue function, metabolism and reproductive processes) as well as allergic symptoms. My husband knows this first-hand. He used to take a lot of medications for allergies and other issues, but since we started eating organically seven years ago, he rarely takes any medication. If he happens to eat something that is non-organic, his nose runs, eyes itch, etc.
Red dye 40 is used in a lot of foods, including Doritos, Twinkies, croissants, and some non-organic red apples. It is used in fruit juices and many other things to make the appearance more attractive. Parents, red dye 40 has been proven, by other parents, to cause attention and memory problems, hyperactivity, temper tantrums, aggression, inability to focus, stomach aches and head aches. The parents proved the effects are detrimental to their child’s ability to function by removing anything with the dye in it for one to two weeks, then reintroducing food with the dye in it and the results were profound! The kids acted totally different. Think about when you use food coloring in baking. When you get some on your fingers or the counter, it stains. Think on what it does to your digestive tract. The chemical reaction throws the body into a tizzy because dye doesn’t belong in there.
Fluoride is used in water and toothpaste. Look on your tube of toothpaste and read the poison information about swallowing toothpaste with fluoride. Little kids always swallow the toothpaste. Stores sell “Nursery Water” with fluoride in it. Fluoride has been found to cause brown teeth, which happened to my daughter when I used to get her the fluoride treatments, as well as cancer, DNA repair problems and enzyme activity. It can cause problems in the pineal gland, interfering with the hormone melatonin, which regulates sleep cycles, and can affect cerebral (brain) functioning. Fluoride has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia as fluoride enables aluminum to pass into the brain. It is also known to slow down normal thyroid activity, cause insomnia, chronic joint pain, and bone disease. Allergic reactions, such as: skin rashes, canker sores, upset stomach, head pain, physical and mental weakness, as well as the regular, runny nose, itchy eyes, etc.
Imitations foods? We may as well be feeding people the plastic food our kids play with.
The body is such a fine-tuned machine, that when we introduce things that don’t belong, it causes the machine to malfunction. You wouldn’t put plastic in your gas tank, or grape jelly where your engine oil goes. No wonder people are so sick!
As I stated, I’m not a doctor or scientist but I do know that certain things don’t belong in these marvelous machines called bodies, and have seen the proof in some of these. Try eliminating these health hazards from your diet and see if you feel better.
Dawn Bridges
Presque Isle