SACS holds 30th reunion

12 years ago

Contributed photograph
BS SACS REUNION DCX PT 33CLASS REUNION — The 1982 graduating class of Southern Aroostook Community School held its 30th class reunion on Aug. 4 at the home of Heidi Pratt and Mike Kitchen. The class had a barbecue, with cooks Richard Lyons and Kitchen cooking up a variety of foods. Classmates visited during the afternoon and around the fire in the evening. Many stories were shared from their school days with lots of laughter. Awards were given to the classmate who came from the furthest, Heather Larlee Ries, North Carolina; Most children/grandchildren, Melanie Hersey Hardy; grayist hair, Alma Fowler Russell; changed the most, Angela Hersey Pratt and changed the least, Ken Hopple and Greig Holman. Gathered together are, from left, front, Heather Larlee Ries, Carla McGary McPartland, Heidi Pratt and Alma Fowler Russell; middle, Cheryl Clark Locke, Melanie Hersey Hardy, Terri Anderson Lyons and Greig Holman; back, Tom Sheehan, retired teacher; Cindy Tarr, Eileen Bustard, Rusty Smith, Ken Hopple, Angela Hersey Pratt, Danny Beers, Julie Willigar McNally and Jeff O’Roak. Absent from the photo is Pete Cullinan, who stopped by in the afternoon and returning in the evening after traveling to Bangor to watch his son, Trent, play baseball.