King would help make Maine again

13 years ago

To the editor:
    Having been a small business owner and entrepreneur in Aroostook County during the governorship of Angus King, it is my opinion that more was done then for the State of Maine’s small businesses than at any other time.
    Our agriculture and economic developmental programs grew at a rapid rate. Our education systems had significant reform and there is no greater commitment we can make for a prosperous future of Maine than a first-quality educational system; it is not an option, it is a necessity!
    During the eight years of King’s administration unemployment rates dropped and new jobs were created at an average of 175 per week: for every week during his two terms. Seems remarkable looking at today’s employment problems.
    I believe that a positive attitude goes a long way, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s’ negative ads on television are a dramatic misrepresentation of the majority of business owners in Maine. As an independent in the U.S. Senate, King will be a sought-after vote in the midst of party-politics in Washington and will keep Maine his focus.
    I have the privilege of knowing Angus and his family. I believe he can, and will do more for Maine. He knows the “County,” and its people, as well as being a caring, intelligent man of utmost integrity. He gets my vote!
Patty LeBlanc
Presque Isle