Blood drive slated for Aug. 28

12 years ago

Blood drive slated for Aug. 28

    PRESQUE ISLE — The public is encouraged to join The Aroostook Medical Center and the American Red Cross for a blood drive Tuesday, Aug. 28 at the A.R. Gould Memorial Hospital in Presque Isle. In celebration of TAMC’s centennial, blood drive coordinators are setting a goal of collecting 100 viable pints of blood.

    “The need is greater than ever,” said Sherry Beaulieu, a TAMC manager and coordinator of the blood drive. “The American Red Cross tells us that donations are down 10 percent across the country. Giving blood is a special gift because blood is only available if people donate. It cannot be made in a lab.”

    The blood drive will begin at noon and end at 5 p.m. Donating is easy — it only takes a little more than an hour, and TAMC and Red Cross personnel walk donors through the process, step by step. Donors are treated to a free snack and a Boston Red Sox T-shirt after donating.

    The amount of blood needed in this country increases each year, yet only 5 percent of people donate. Someone in the United States needs blood every two seconds. Over 1,400 pints of blood are required every working day to meet the needs of hospitals in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. TAMC and other EMHS member hospitals rely on American Red Cross donations to meet the constant demand for blood.

    “As TAMC continues to celebrate 100 years of health care, I am reminded that there are probably hundreds of great reasons to give blood,” said Beaulieu. “It’s a great way to save a life, give back to the community, and feel good about making a difference.”

    Walk-ins are welcome, but to save time, pre-register by calling 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or visiting