Kiwanis Club
to host fun-filled Youth Day Saturday
PRESQUE ISLE — All area children and their families are invited to join the fun during the annual Kiwanis Youth Day held in conjunction with the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest. The Presque Isle Kiwanis Club, along with Cary Medical Center and Pines Health Services, will host the free event, which will be held at The Forum Saturday, Aug. 25 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
THESE TWO LITTLE TYKES had their faces painted at a previous Youth Day event sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club. This year’s Kiwanis Youth Day will be held Saturday, Aug. 25 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at The Forum in Presque Isle. The day will include several large inflatables, carnival games and prizes, bike helmet decorating, Masonic Child Identification Program, face painting, and fire and police safety programs.
“This year’s events are promising to be the biggest and best yet,” said Sherry Locke, Kiwanian and organizer of Youth Day.
The day will include several large inflatables, carnival games and prizes, bike helmet decorating, Masonic Child Identification Program, face painting, and fire and police safety programs. All activities are geared for children ages 3-12, but all children are welcome.
In addition to all of the free activities, the Presque Isle Music Boosters will be offering lunch for a small fee. All proceeds from the lunch sales will benefit the music program.
“Back in 2008, the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest Committee approached the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club to partner to create an activity for the festival specific for the children. Both groups saw this as a great opportunity to incorporate the kids into the event, and Youth Day was born,” said Locke. “Over the past four years, the event has gotten larger with the partnership and support of Cary Medical Center and Pines Health Services. Last year over 300 children filled The Forum, and this year’s event is hoping to draw even more area youth.”
According to Locke, the Youth Day committee’s goal this year was to continue to offer a variety of fun activities free for kids, but also to involve other organizations to engage in the Kiwanis mission of serving local youth.
“This year we have collaborated with the Presque Isle Rotary Club, Wintergreen Arts, Presque Isle Key Club, Presque Isle Music Boosters, Masons, and local area queens to share in the event and spend time with our kids as they have some fun,” Locke said. “In partnership with all of these organizations, we are able to offer more to the children and create a safe environment for them to have fun.”
For more information, contact Locke at 764-6717.