RSU 39 directors accept resignations, appoint staff

12 years ago

By Lisa Wilcox
Special to the Aroostook Republican

CARIBOU — Staff changes and administrative updates were the main topics of conversation at Eastern Aroostook RSU 39’s board of directors meeting held Aug. 22 at the Superintendent’s Office on Sincock St.

The meeting was called to order by Board President Dale Jordan. After minutes from the previous meeting were accepted by the board and no public comments were made, RSU 39 Superintendent Franklin McElwain brought to the table the following resignations and new hires for the district:

Resignations were accepted for Lindsay Theriault, educational technician at the Caribou Technology Center; Marissa Post, ed tech, CACDC; and Jennifer Rand, Student Council adviser, Limestone Community School.

New hires include: Tracey Akerson, secretary, Caribou Technology Center; Dan Fishman, Student Council adviser, Caribou High School; Kellie Doody and Cherie Black, Class of 2015 advisers, CHS; Jessica Umel, World Languages class adviser, CHS; and Jim Mezynski, Class of 2016 adviser, CHS.

The following nominations were made:

• A motion by John Sjostedt, seconded by Michelle Albert, to name Eric McGough as Special Education teacher, Limestone Community School, passed unanimously.

• A motion by Albert, seconded by Lynn McNeal, to appoint Cheryl Hallowell as grade 2 teacher, Hilltop Elementary School, passed unanimously.

• A motion by Albert, seconded by Sjostedt, to hire Amanda Brooker as physical education/health teacher, Teague Park School/Limestone Community School, passed unanimously.

Principal Susan White, Limestone Community School, confirmed that there is still a position available for an Ed Tech 3 at the Limestone school.

The meeting then moved on to administration updates from the district schools currently in session. Administrators present were White, Caribou High School Principal Mark Jones, Caribou Technology Center Director Ralph Conroy, and Caribou Learning Center Director Danny MacDonald.

All four made reference to the exceptional work being done by the custodial staff at the schools. Each site has been undergoing renovations, most extensively at the Caribou Learning Center and Limestone Community School. White and MacDonald reported that the renovations were just about complete and both schools were able to get under way on time with no major hitches.

White also thanked the board for approving her transfer to Limestone from Caribou Middle School and made special mention of Limestone Guidance Counselor Rani Belanger, who helped parents and students handle numerous schedule changes.

MacDonald extended his appreciation to his teaching staff for putting in extra hours to make sure all classrooms were up and running on time for the beginning of the first semester.

Principal Jones commented that Caribou High School has a total of 491 students this year, a slight increase over last year. Of those students, 156 are freshmen, he said. Jones reported they are doing well, stating, “They have taken to high school like fish to water.”

Director Conroy advised that the Tech Center is off to a great start with a record 129 students, 66 from Caribou and 63 from out of town. He attributed part of the growth to the recruitment of students in the college prep program to also take some tech classes.

Conroy also reported that the center received approval from the state for a Culinary Arts Program and equipment has already begun to arrive. That program will begin in the fall of 2013.

No other matters were brought before the board and the meeting then closed to the public for executive session. The next meeting of the RSU 39 board is slated for Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 7 p.m. at the Superintendent’s Office.