TAMC births

12 years ago

TAMC births

    The Aroostook Medical Center announces the following births for November.

    RICHARDSON — A boy, Avery Drew Richardson, born to Amanda Clockedile and Adrian Richardson of Blaine on Nov. 22, 2012. Maternal grandparents are Scott and Nancy Clockedile of Mars Hill. Paternal grandparents are Roland and Maria Richardson of Bridgewater.

    DUCHARDT — A boy, Silas Jack Duchardt, born to Melissa and Chris Duchardt of Presque Isle on Nov. 24, 2012.

    DOUCETTE — A boy, Mason James Doucette, born to Brooke Hammond and Colby Doucette of Easton on Nov. 28, 2012. Maternal grandparents and Kim and Doug Hammond of Easton. Paternal grandparents are Corinne Dionne and Louis Doucette of Old Town.