American Red Cross offers free disaster preparedness training

12 years ago

    The Aroostook County Branch of the American Red Cross Pine Tree Chapter will offer free disaster preparedness courses on Friday, March 8, from 5 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, March 9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  The training sessions will be held at the Community Living Association’s Career Enhancement Center at 2 North St. in Houlton.

    The first class topic will feature “Disaster Services: An Overview” and the day-long training on March 9 will feature “Client Casework.”
    The purpose of these courses is to provide information about ways participants can help their community prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters. Participants will also learn about volunteer opportunities at their local Red Cross chapter.
    Upon completion, participants will be able to explain how disasters affect people and communities; describe how the community, including the Red Cross, work together in disaster preparedness and response; describe the services the Red Cross provides to people affected by disaster and the principles that guide Red Cross workers in disaster relief situations; identify resources for personal preparedness; determine how to help their community prepare and respond to disasters and identify next steps to becoming a Red Cross volunteer.  
    Early registration is encouraged due to a maximum of 20 in each class.  Each participant will receive a Certificate of Completion that does not expire and is recognized throughout the world. Light refreshments will be served.
    To become a volunteer: visit; click “volunteer;” and select the appropriate form and complete it.
    To take a class: visit; click on “Take A Class;” click the yellow “Start Now” button which will direct you to the LMS system; create your name and password; and search for the desired class and “Register”
    Those who need help in registering in the Learning Management System (LMS) “HELP” boxes and phone numbers are listed on every page or call to speak with a live person for support. For more information please call the Aroostook County Red Cross office at 207-493-4620, ext. 108.
    The Pine Tree Chapter of the American Red Cross serves northern, central, and eastern Maine with fire and disaster relief, services to the Armed Forces, community preparedness, and health and safety training services.