Contributed photographEach year, Aroostook Right to Read sponsors a Young Authors’ Institute at University of Maine at Presque Isle. Student writers from across Aroostook County are selected to have their writing published
in “Potatoes and Pussywillows,” a compilation of writing from over 100 County students in grades 4-8. At the Young Authors’ Institute this year, these writers will have the opportunity to meet authors Lynn Plourde and Donn Fendler and learn about the making of their new graphic novel, “Lost Trail.” Students will also be able to attend a workshop to learn more about writing and will receive their own copy of “Potatoes and Pussywillows.” Students at Mill Pond School selected to have their writing published and to attend the conference in May are, from left, Aidynn Woods, Skylar DeHahn, Makayla Ward, Peyton Dixon, Emma Drew, Grace Desrosiers, Nallah King, Lindsay Gardner, Jill Gough and Madisyn Merritt.