100 Years Ago-Mar. 5, 1913
Aroostook Times
Of local interest — Mr. Alan Quimby of Standard Veneer Co. has moved the offices of the company from Stockholm to Houlton for the remainder of the season. Miss Henrietta Hare and Miss Teresa Wadlia of Monticello spent Saturday in town visiting friends. The Northern Maine Sales Agency here has moved to
the south store of the Thibodeau Block on School Street and are nicely located for their business.
Dental deals — Dr. Bert Doyle, D. D. S. advertising “Your dental work done in the most skillful manner and guaranteed; silver fillings 50 cents, cement fillings 50 cents, gold fillings $1.00 and up, and gold crowns $3.00.” Office located over Fox Bros. Clothing Store, 50 Main Street.
75 Years Ago-Mar. 10, 1938
Houlton Pioneer Times
Crystal locals — There will be a Town of Crystal budget meeting at the Hackett School House, Saturday, March 12. An error was made in saying that Lidge White was cutting hardwood on land of the G. N. P. & P. Co. It should have been, land of the Dead River Lumber Company. Five of Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Mullen’s children have the whooping cough.
Century-old letters found — A packet of letters of much local interest, all being over 100 years old, came to light this week when the safe was moved in the Berry store undergoing repairs and renovations. The names on the letters were recognized as relatives of Mrs. T. V. Doherty, who traces her ancestry to the town’s first settlers and was overjoyed to receive these missives. One was a letter dated Sept. 26, 1824, written by her great-grandmother, then Hannah Pearce, of New Salem, Mass. Two of the letters, written by Rev. Alpheus Harding are of much interest to members of the Unitarian Church.
50 Years Ago-Mar. 7, 1963
Houlton Pioneer Times
Family evacuated from Cuba — In the wake of the crisis between the United States and Cuba, orders came that dependents were to be flown back to the states. Dorothy Titcomb, wife of Lt. Cmdr. Edmund Titcomb, son of the late Newell Titcomb and his wife Helen of Houlton, left hastily with her four children. On arrival at Norfolk Navy Base, they were met by volunteer Red Cross workers, and each adult and child supplied with clothing and toilet articles. Also, they were sheltered and fed in comfort and given transportation to their statewide destination.
No dogs allowed — Police Chief Arthur C. Libby urged parents to keep their dogs at home rather than permitting them to follow children to school. The presence of dogs on school grounds has resulted in dogfights, and there is always the chance a child might be bitten.
25 Years Ago-Mar. 9, 1988
Houlton Pioneer Times
Rotary radio fundraiser — Rotary Radio Day Co-Chairmen Andy Mooers and Bob Blanchette thanked the many sponsors that helped to make the fundraiser a success. Music included Italian guitar ballads, barbershop quartets, opera, jazz and classics from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Money raised will support the Houlton Youth Center and Rotary’s “Polio Plus Program.”
File photo 1988
HONOR ROLL STUDENTS — East Grand School at Danforth has announced the students in elementary grades who have made the honor roll status. They include, from left, front row: Tracy Brackett, Frederick Gillis Jr., Renae Hayes, Timothy Leddy, Cristal Lee, Toby Mailman and Jordan Shain. Back row: Shawn Rouse, Amanda Brackett, Jennifer Leddy, Patricia O’Keefe, Joann Oliver and Danielle Shay.
Hodgdon students in new quarters — The students are in classrooms, faculty members seated at their desks and the principal in the new office at SAD 70 high school in Hodgdon — all part of the $1.2 million project of additions to the elementary and high school buildings.