By Brooke Lilley
Southern Aroostook Teen Group
The time has come for young people to stand up, answer the call, and take on the responsibility of sharing and spreading the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to others, ensuring that it stays alive for future generations. I believe it is time to grab a torch for Jesus and pass it on, lighting up the lives of the people around you and many others.
Light your torch at the Maine Event for Teens on Friday, March 22, 2013 at the Dyer Brook Community Church at 7:00 pm. All youth from ages 13 to 18 are encouraged to attend. Registration begins at 6:30 and the event lasts until midnight. Admission is free and the night will be filled with food, activities, a worship concert, skits, and other entertainment by students of the New Brunswick Bible Institute. The event is sponsored by Baptist Park, Brave Hearts, the Southern Aroostook Teen Group and other local Baptist churches.
Mark 16:15 says “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” What legacy will you leave behind? Are you stepping up and answering the call?