115 Years Ago- Mar. 17, 1897
• The Caribou ladies gave a delightful party in Clark’s Hall last Saturday, the committee on arrangements being Mrs. Jerrard, Mrs. Radcliffe and the Misses Gardner, Littlefield and Porter. The hours were whiled away with dancing and whist and Robert T. Wetmore favored the company with several finely rendered solos.
100 Years Ago-Mar. 15, 1913
• Of local interest — Lawyer Percy Higgins and Aubrey Frost have changed their office to the Cyr block of Limestone, giving them a larger and better fitted room. John Burtchell’s East Road house caught fire last week from the stove in the sitting room, the paper and some pictures on the wall. James H. Glenn has returned from Washington, D. C. where he had been in attendance at the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson. Bernice Vance and Bertha Bagley, students at Aroostook State Normal School, are enjoying a vacation at their respective homes here in South Caribou.
• Farm for sale — Farm of 80 acres, 50 cleared on the Madawaska Road for sale. Will also sell stock and tools. Reason for selling, ill health of my wife. Price reasonable, terms: part down, balance on paper. — John Sparks.
75 Years Ago-Mar. 17, 1938
• New Sweden monument unveiled — Rev. Oscar C. Wieden, president of the New Sweden Historical Society, announced that a bronze bust of the late Hon. W. W. Thomas would be unveiled on Saturday. The bust is the gift of Mrs. Alna Thomas of Stockholm, Sweden, widow of Hon. W. W. Thomas who established the Swedish colony in Maine in 1870.
• Crouseville news — The Crouseville Women’s Farm Bureau held its regular meeting in the mission home Wednesday. Mrs. Flora Flewelling and Mrs. Clarise Ramsdell in charge of the topic for the day, school lunches. Miss Jessie Lawrence, Home Demonstration Agent, gave an interesting and instructive talk.
50 Years Ago-Mar. 14, 1963
• Home from college — Among the students home from the University of Maine over the weekend were Brian Lister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lister; Miss Paula Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson; Ronald Harmon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harmon; and Jack May, son of Mr. and Mrs. John May.
• Tea time — The Onaway Club of the Congregational Church of Presque Isle will hold their annual Shamrock Tea Saturday afternoon, March 16, in Fellowship Hall. The Cary Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will sponsor a Spring Hat Show and Tea on Friday, March 22.
25 Years Ago-Mar. 16, 1988
• Limestone honors athletes — Limestone High School honored athletes from its fall and winter sports programs Wednesday with Bill Casavant, coach of the NMVTI Falcons basketball team, as the guest speaker. Vicki Nason, “L” Club president introduced the coaches who, in turn, presented their individual awards. LHS Athletic Director Roger Bernard presented Good Sportsmanship Awards to Karen Hartman and Kenny Bryson for “outstanding conduct on or off the field or court.”
• Loring hosts “Winterama” — Loring Air Force Base recently hosted over 350 Boy Scouts and leaders for “Winterama 88.” Weather conditions were blamed for the low number of participants, as usually over 1,000 people attend the annual event.