Dusks Dead

12 years ago

By Anna Hogan
Houlton Elementary School,  Grade 3
    In a deep dark cave was a girl zombie. Her hair was straight up in the air. Her eyes were popped out and her teeth were glued together. She had skin on only one leg. Her name was SwaySuse. SwaySuse lived with her mom and her brother. Her brother was named Arowzze. Arowzze had skin on his left leg, right shoulder and right foot. He had one eye but could not see.

    One night on Halloween they came out. All the monsters and spirits did too. Their laugh was spooky and it filled the air as they walked down Main Street. As they walked they could hear screams from the humans. People screamed when they saw the monsters but for some people all they saw were foot prints in the wet on grass on their way down Main Street. The people saw the slime dripping down the snaillien’s head. The half snail, half alien followed the zombies as they walk. People ran faster than they ever ran before. People warned their friends but they didn’t listen. Soon it was dusk and it was pitch black and quiet. Even the monsters and SwaySuse were quiet. She then burst out in laughter. “Candy everywhere!” she said and then picked up a sack…that said… “Arowzze”.   SwaySuse stared angrily at Arowzze.  The sack was filled with candy, skin and “BRAIN”.  Each monster took a handful and ate. “Good,” said Moetoe, a skeleton. They walked down Courtment Street laughing loudly. They stomped and stomped as they came down the street.
    While the zombies were gone, a girl named Wendy and a boy Wendell, dressed as Peanut Butter and Jelly, came walking into the cave where SwaySuse, Arowzze and their mother Rachael (but people called her Mayzuze) lived. They walked in and they had to fight skeletons or else they would die. There were bones of dead people everywhere.   Brains and skin were in a bowl of ice. They walked in even further. They were really glad they didn’t get killed by the skeletons.  “Trick or Treat…is anyone here?!”   They walked into a dead end and then they heard a voice mumble “That looks like a nice snack”.   “Ummmm…hello?”, said Wendy.
    “My…my…my…peanut butter and jelly jars that can talk. Even better!” Mayzuze got up and grabbed Wendell and ate him! Wendy ran and was never found again. As for the monsters, they were so happy the people were gone. So happy that they ran to the creepy cemetery and did The Monster Mash!
    The end
    Or is it?