Grave Yard Trouble

12 years ago

By Hope Chernesky
Houlton Elementary School, Grade 3
    There once was a zombie named Shareeka. She always wore the same tattered green dress. Her hair was torn and tangled, and the flesh was dropping off her face so you could see the bones and part of her teeth. She had no eyes, but there was a blue glow way back in her eye sockets . She had no nose to her face.

    In her grave, Shareeka was bored. She hadn’t talked to anyone in eons. So she hobbled to the grave beside her. This grave belonged to her brother, Rasper. Who was the laziest person she knew.
    She woke him up, but he didn’t want someone to talk to. All he wanted to do was sleep.
    “All right. I’ll go myself.”
    Her voice was raspy. Like a creaking door. And with only herself, she hobbled off into the town.
    As she walked down Cainine Avenue, kids that were trick-or-treating ran into whatever house they were at. EVERYBODY ran into a house and locked the doors. Everybody, but Alex. He had tripped and lost his candy. But when he stopped to pick it up, he was trapped outside. With the zombie!
    Shareeka saw Alex and remembered something she had forgotten! Zombies couldn’t go for an hour without food or they’ll die! Again.
    So Shareeka made her way toward Alex, who was picking up the last of his candy.
    Now Alex had just picked up his bag. When he stood up and looked around, all he saw was a hungry looking zombie coming his way!
    Alex didn’t like to be a scaredy-cat, but everybody who called him that was right. He was afraid of scary stories, but meeting a monster face to face was totally different.
    Alex trembled, dropped his candy bag and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
    Shareeka followed close behind. She moaned like she had a stomach ache.
    “Ohhhhhhhhhh. I hungry. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”
    Alex froze in fear! He should have taken a right, but in all the confusion, he took a left, which meant that he had come to a dead end! There was no way out!
    Inside a house, Alex’s mother (whose name was Victoria) was terrified! She had seen Alex running. The next thing she knew, there was a hungry looking zombie running after him! Victoria was horrified!
    Shareeka smacked her lips. “That was a delightful and tasty dinner.” She said.
    The next day Alex’s body was found at the attack.
    This is the end!
    No seriously. This is the end of the story. And the town!