By Silvia Hartt
Katahdin Elementary
Grade 4
One day a super person signed up for a triathlon. See, Lucy wasn’t super. She was just gifted with speed. She was very kind and loved to help people. She said she could win but all the other people said she couldn’t cause she was small. “One more week till the triathlon,” the mayor said.
Lucy was 26. Her number on her shirt said “56.” She was wearing her lucky socks and she brought her lucky water bottle and lucky sneakers. She practiced for a week, biked, ran, swam, biked, ran, swam, biked, ran, swam. Finally the day came.
Lucy went to the triathlon and got ready. Her mother got her ready. “All contestants to the pool please,” sounded the intercom. All the contestants dove into the pool. Lucy swam faster than anyone. She biked faster than anyone. She ran faster than anyone. She ran so fast, she flew! Her running suit became a super hero suit! As that happened, her number paper became a cape. Her sneakers became special shoes. That is how super heroes came to be.
The end.