By Joshua Sutton and Brandon Jay
With the rolling sands
(I’m afraid of sharks)
To the sweet smell
of the salty water
(What it one bites me?)
Looking for shells from morning to night
(Whales are scary too)
Walking through the tide pools
(A jellyfish stung me)
The moon reflecting
off of the water
(Sand is in my pants)
Walking along the lonely
winding beach
(I have a sunburn)
Screaming loudly, “I hope this day never ends!”
(A seagull stole my food)
Sitting in the sand making
a sand castle
(Stupid turtles)
Laying back listening
to the waves
(Where are my shoes?)
Snorkling in the deep water
(Oh god I can’t swim)
Screaming “YAY!!!”
(Is that a shark?)