Northwest Coast Indians

12 years ago

By Jayden Swimm
Third-grade Wellington School
    The Northwest Coast Indians lived in what is now Alaska. The land had lots of trees for an endless supply of wood. They lived in big rectangular houses made out of cedar and wooden planks that could hold up to 40 people inside. The houses were divided by mats.

NIE-Jayden-dc-pt-13    The Indians wore little clothing, except on long trips. They wore caps that were made out of baskets and their clothing was made out of bark.
    They ate fish, deer, eggs and other stuff like seafood. Sometimes the Indians gathered for potlucks and they would sing and give away gifts.
    The Indians made canoes that were 60 feet long. They killed whales and used the bones to make tools and weapons.
    The Northwest Coast Indians painted masks made of wood that were used for dances.