Sue Towle’s class
at Fort Fairfield Elementary School
FORT FAIRFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL fifth-graders in Sue Towle’s class were among the many students who created advertisements for local businesses as part of this year’s Newspaper in Education project.
Photo by Sue Towle
Pictured are, from left, front row: Jason Bernaiche, Kendall Poitras, Tommy Doughty, Skyler Oullette Sarah Belmain. Middle row: Jacob Walker, Austin Cote, Jessica Halsey, Matthew Crocker-Walton, Tiffany King and Amber Sherwood. Back row: Malcolm McDougal, Isaac Fox, Malcolm Webb, Chase Griffeth, Ali White, Vanessa Nichols, Bailee Mallett and Riley Clough. Absent when photo was taken were Ethan Cullins, Kenyon Forsman and Cameron Amato.
Chase Griffeth and Malcolm Webb
Cameron Amatoa and Kenyon Forsman
Tommy Doughty