Local center observes Sexual Assault Awareness Month with prevention

12 years ago

Local center observes

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

with prevention

    PRESQUE ISLE — Rape jokes, victim blaming, sexual assault and child sexual abuse have all been in the national media this year with little talk of prevention.

    Every April, AMHC Sexual Assault Services recognizes Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This year, a new campaign focuses on different types of sexual violence and prevention.
    “Our goal with this campaign is to educate the community about the prevention of sexual violence,” said Lydia Christie, program coordinator at AMHC Sexual Assault Services. “Our campaign wanted to take the focus on sexual violence in the media within the last year and put a spin of prevention on it.”
    “It’s time. Prevent sexual violence at every age” is a new statewide campaign and it focuses on all types of sexual violence from child sexual abuse to sexual harassment, to rape jokes and elder abuse. In partnership with other sexual assault support centers across the state, AMHC Sexual Assault Services will engage in year-long messaging with regard to healthy sexuality, talking to people about consent, and gender norms.
    According to data, sexual violence in Maine — and nationally — is prevalent and underreported. A study in 2011 found that approximately 13,000 Mainers will experience sexual assault or rape each year. Only 391 rapes and attempted rapes were reported to law enforcement in 2012. Rape is the most costly violent crime to victims, costing $127 billion annually, excluding the cost of childhood sexual abuse.
    “It’s not only about bringing awareness to the issue of sexual violence — we know it happens,” said Christie. “We are working with communities across Aroostook County in innovative ways to prevent sexual violence and support victims and survivors.”
    To learn more about preventing sexual violence in Aroostook County, visit www.AMHC.org or contact Wendy Page, AMHC’s community outreach and resource educator, at 764-3319.