BPW’s annual Employee Appreciation Luncheon to be held April 24

12 years ago

    Caribou Business and Professional Women (BPW) members have changed a few things around this year for their annual Employee Appreciation Luncheon — not only did they select a different venue, they’ve also booked a semi-celebrity to provide entertainment.

    Birdie Googins, aka The Marden’s Lady, will be bringing her one-woman comedy show to the Loring Job Corps Center on Wednesday, April 24 to help celebrate Caribou’s BPW’s group Administrative Professionals’ Day and fundraise for the group’s three annual scholarships: the Caribou BPW Viola Willard High School Senior Scholarship, the Caribou BPW Interim Scholarship and the Caribou BPW Non-Traditional Scholarship.
    While the Employee Appreciation Luncheon is held for a good cause, BPW members remind that it’s a great way for businesses to treat their employees (male and female) to a relaxing and entertaining event that they’ll remember and appreciate all year.
    The luncheon, celebrating its 13th successful year, starts at noon and runs until 1:30 p.m.; participants will enjoy a hot lunch buffet of baked ham with a sweet and sour glaze, blackened chicken, garden salad with homemade dressing and croutons, vegetable rice pilaf, carrots Lyonnaise, rolls, peach cobbler and peanut butter pie.
    Tickets are $20 per person and interested individuals can call Darlene Grass with questions at 554-7013 or e-mail dgrass1@Maine.rr.com.