Homemade spaghetti supper helps raise funds for Caribou food pantry

12 years ago

    CARIBOU — Once again bringing the greater Caribou area the best homemade Italian this side of Venice, members of the Faith Lutheran Church and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will sponsor their annual Spaghetti Supper on Saturday,April 6, in support of the Caribou Ecumenical Food Pantry. 

     The annual supper has been held in early spring since its first year in 2009 to coincide with the time that the Food Pantry could qualify for additional funding from the Feinstein Foundation based on the amount of money raised by donations during a two-month period.
    Not only can the pantry qualify for additional funding from the Foundation by increased financial support from the community, but also by the number of non-perishable food items donated which equates to $1 per item or pound.
     In addition to money from the Feinstein Foundation, the churches have received financial support from Thrivent for Lutherans. Thrivent provides $1 for every three hours of volunteer time given to the planning, preparation and service for this project. 
    The churches also have the generous support of a number of area businesses. All of the expenses for the supper are covered by our sponsors or the ladies groups of both churches so that all of the monies raised can be given to the food pantry.
    Not only will the attendance at the supper help the Ecumenical Food Pantry continue its mission to help those in need, the homemade Italian is second to none.
    The supper will take place from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at the church, and diners are encouraged to bring their appetites.