Honest gun control

12 years ago

To the editor:
    Maybe I am stupid, ignorant or simply misinformed — or all of the above. I simply cannot see how putting more gun control laws in effect will do any good. I do not have a problem with background checks, but that is it! Anything other than that is useless. Wake up, and smell the roses, people.

    The laws of this great land of ours no longer protect you. The authorities can investigate after you become a statistic, but they can’t protect you. You have to do that yourself by any means available. Declare war on guns? We haven’t won a war since 1945. War on poverty, war on drugs, war on illiteracy. What a joke.
    Now the war on guns. You will just drive the purchases of what you want into the arms of people like the drug dealers of today, and, for every one you bust, 10 more will take their place. Gun controls are just like locks on your door — only for the honest person.
John McCready