Woodland School Board approves purchase of two buses

12 years ago

By Lisa Wilcox
Staff Writer

    WOODLAND — School Union 122 Interim Superintendent Roland Caron received approval from the Woodland School Board to go ahead with the purchase of two new buses for the school at the board’s meeting held on March 18.
    At Caron’s suggestion, the board unanimously approved the purchase of two of the three buses the state had granted the school in order to stagger the timing for future bus purchases. The third bus will remain an option throughout the 2013-14 school year should the necessity arise, but one of the school’s current buses had undergone recent extensive repair work and the board agreed it should remain operational and safe. Board members also approved placing the older buses that will be removed from the fleet out to bid once the new vehicles arrive.

    The board then voted unanimously to approve several policies, including the school employee wellness policy, family care leave, curriculum development, the public’s right to know and bullying. They tabled the policy on student restraint as it is currently undergoing revisions in the state legislature.
    Caron advised the board that he had negotiated tuition with Caribou for Woodland students to attend their high school. This had been an ongoing process, and after several meetings with the RSU 39 school board, his offer was accepted. According to Caron, the tuition he negotiated is lower than if they had not approached school officials.
    During the public comments portion of the meeting, a Woodland resident voiced her concern about the lack of communication she felt the school board had with the community. There were two meetings that had either been cancelled or postponed that were not posted on the school’s website, and she was also concerned that not enough information regarding the Woodland students’ option to attend Washburn High School, instead of Caribou, was being provided.
    The board addressed both issues, stating they would do a better job at getting the website updated with information about meetings and that they were not intentionally keeping information about Washburn High School from the public as they want everyone to be aware of that option.
    During her update to the board, Principal Susie Schloeman was excited to report that Woodland School had been chosen by a literacy group based out of Wisconsin to receive a donation of 1,500 library books.
    The next Woodland School Board meeting will be held Monday, April 8, at 6:30 p.m.